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Seven Foot Knoll Light — Infobox Lighthouse caption = Seven Foot Knoll Lighthouse at its present location location = originally at the mouth of the Patapsco River in the Chesapeake Bay; relocated to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland coordinates = coord|39.1551|N|76 … Wikipedia
History of the single-lens reflex camera — The history of the single lens reflex camera predates the invention of photography in 1826/27 by one and a half centuries with the use of a reflex mirror in a camera obscura first described in 1676. Such SLR devices were popular as drawing aids… … Wikipedia
Corrective lens — A bifocal corrective eyeglass lens A pair of contact le … Wikipedia
Contact lens — Contacts redirects here. For the software application, see Address book. A pair of contact lenses, positioned with the concave side facing upward … Wikipedia
Double-Gauss lens — The double Gauss design with optical ray traces The double Gauss lens is a compound lens used mostly in camera lenses that reduces optical aberrations over a large focal plane. Contents 1 Design … Wikipedia
Large format lens — Large format lenses are photographic optics that provide an image circle large enough to cover large format film or plates. Large format lenses are typically used in large format cameras and view cameras.Photographic optics generally project a… … Wikipedia
Canon EF 28-105mm lens — The Canon EF 28 105 mm f/4 5.6 is an inexpensive zoom lens often included as a kit lens with Canon 35 mm single lens reflex cameras. 28 105 mm is a standard wide to telephoto zoom range. The Canon EF 28 105 mm f/3.5 4.5 USM is a higher quality… … Wikipedia
Species of 'Saga of the Seven Suns' — This article describes fictional Races and Species featured in Saga of Seven Suns, a series of science fiction novels written by Kevin J. Anderson. *Article merged: See old talk page Humans The human race is no longer confined to simply their… … Wikipedia
Ildirans in 'Saga of the Seven Suns' — This article describes fictional Ildiran characters featured in The Saga of Seven Suns, a series of science fiction novels written by Kevin J. Anderson. To see the list of Human characters in the series click here: Human CharactersIn this epic… … Wikipedia
Through a Blue Lens — (1999) is a documentary film produced by the National Film Board of Canada. The film follows interactions between police officers and drug addicts and documents the extreme poverty and suffering many addicts endure.ProductionThrough a Blue Lens… … Wikipedia
Deep Lens Survey — Minor planets discovered: 6 multi band optical survey of seven 4 square degree fields. Mosaic CCD imagers at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory s Blanco (Cerro Tololo) and Mayall telescopes (Kitt Peak) are being used. The deep fields took … Wikipedia