- settlement of funds
- помещение денег в ценные бумаги
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
settlement — set·tle·ment n 1: the act or process of settling 2 a: an agreement reducing or resolving differences; esp: an agreement between litigants that concludes the litigation the states finally agreed upon a settlement and a consent decree W. J. Brennan … Law dictionary
settlement date — The agreed upon date for transferring funds to complete a transaction. For example, the date of both the delivery of and the payment for a security. American Banker Glossary The date on which payment is made to settle a trade. For stocks traded… … Financial and business terms
settlement — The clearinghouse practice of adjusting all futures accounts daily according to gain or loss from price movement is generally called settlement. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary (1) Noun The standard number of days between the date that a… … Financial and business terms
Settlement — When payment is made for a trade. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * settlement set‧tle‧ment [ˈsetlmənt] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] an official agreement or decision that ends an argument between two people or organizations: •… … Financial and business terms
Settlement date — The date on which payment is made to settle a trade. For stocks traded on US exchanges, settlement is currently 3 business days after the trade. For mutual funds, settlement usually occurs in the U.S.the day following the trade. In some regional… … Financial and business terms
Funds for Endangered Parrots — The Funds for Endangered Parrots (FbP) (Germ: Fonds für bedrohte Papageien ) is a German non governmental organisation (NGO) in the field of species conservation, which supports and operates projects worldwide for endangered parrot… … Wikipedia
Settlement date — The date on which a contract or transfer is paid to the beneficiary party. An ISO term. ISO Securities Message Types term. The date on which securities or funds are to be/have been exchanged. 6n. ISO Bank Card Originated Messages term.… … International financial encyclopaedia
Settlement amount — An ISO term. Funds to be transferred between the acquirer and card issuer equal to the transaction amount in the currency of settlement. ISO Identification Cards term. 8n. ISO Bank Card Originated Messages term. 12n. ISO Securities… … International financial encyclopaedia
Settlement — An ISO term. A transfer of funds to complete one or more prior transactions made, subject to final accounting. Payment of any amount of money under a contract … International financial encyclopaedia
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission — The Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States (FCSC) is a quasi judicial, independent agency within the U.S. Department of Justice which adjudicates claims of U.S. nationals against foreign governments, either under specific… … Wikipedia
real-time gross settlement system — ( RTGS / RBTR) Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary Settlement system in which occurs the continuous ( real time) settlement of funds or securities transfers individually on a transaction by transaction basis (without netting). Euroclear… … Financial and business terms