settle a dispute

settle a dispute
урегулировать спор

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "settle a dispute" в других словарях:

  • settle a dispute — index mediate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • settle — set‧tle [ˈsetl] verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to end an argument by agreeing to do something: • The two companies signed a pact that settled the patent suit. • Before the second phase of the trial, the companysettled out of court (= ended… …   Financial and business terms

  • Dispute settlement in the World Trade Organization — Dispute settlement is regarded by the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the central pillar of the multilateral trading system, and as the organization s unique contribution to the stability of the global economy .[1] A dispute arises when one… …   Wikipedia

  • dispute — I n. 1) to stir up a dispute about 2) to arbitrate; resolve, settle a dispute (to settle a dispute out of court) 3) an acrimonious, bitter, heated, sharp; public dispute 4) a border; labor dispute 5) a dispute about, over; with 6) in dispute… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • settle — [[t]se̱t(ə)l[/t]] ♦♦ settles, settling, settled 1) VERB If people settle an argument or problem, or if something settles it, they solve it, for example by making a decision about who is right or about what to do. [V n] They agreed to try to… …   English dictionary

  • settle — set|tle W2S2 [ˈsetl] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(end argument)¦ 2¦(decide)¦ 3¦(start living in a place)¦ 4¦(comfortable)¦ 5¦(quiet/calm)¦ 6¦(move down)¦ 7¦(pay money)¦ 8¦(organize business/money)¦ 9 settle a score/account 10 some …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • settle — 1 / setl/ verb 1 MAKE COMFORTABLE/SAFE a) (intransitive always + adv/prep, transitive always + adv/prep) to put yourself or someone else in a comfortable position (+ back/into/down): Mel settled back in his chair and closed his eyes. | settle… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • settle — v. 1) to settle peacefully (to settle a dispute peacefully) 2) (d; intr.) to settle for ( to be content with ) (they had to settle for a very modest house with no garage) 3) (d; intr.) ( to decide ) to settle on (have you settled on a place for… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • dispute — dis|pute1 W2 [dıˈspju:t, ˈdıspju:t] n [U and C] 1.) a serious argument or disagreement dispute with ▪ The firm is involved in a legal dispute with a rival company. dispute over ▪ He got into a dispute over a taxi fare. ▪ Every effort was made to… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • settle — settle1 settleable, adj. settleability, n. settledness, n. /set l/, v., settled, settling. v.t. 1. to appoint, fix, or resolve definitely and conclusively; agree upon (as time, price, or conditions). 2. to place in a desired state or in order …   Universalium

  • settle — I set•tle [[t]ˈsɛt l[/t]] v. tled, tling 1) to appoint, fix, or resolve definitely and conclusively; agree upon, as price or conditions 2) to place in a desired state or in order: to settle one s affairs[/ex] 3) to pay, as a bill 4) bus to close… …   From formal English to slang

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