

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "set-associative" в других словарях:

  • Associative property — This article is about associativity in mathematics. For associativity in the central processor unit memory cache, see CPU cache. For associativity in programming languages, see operator associativity. In mathematics, associativity is a property… …   Wikipedia

  • Associative array — In computer science, an associative array (also called a map or a dictionary) is an abstract data type composed of a collection of (key,value) pairs, such that each possible key appears at most once in the collection. Operations associated with… …   Wikipedia

  • Associative algebra — In mathematics, an associative algebra is a vector space (or more generally, a module) which also allows the multiplication of vectors in a distributive and associative manner. They are thus special algebras. Definition An associative algebra A… …   Wikipedia

  • Set (computer science) — In computer science, a set is a collection (container) of certain values, without any particular order, and no repeated values. It corresponds with a finite set in mathematics. Disregarding sequence, and the fact that there are no repeated values …   Wikipedia

  • Associative model of data — The associative model of data is an alternative data model for database systems. Other data models, such as the relational model and the object data model, are record based. These models involve encompassing attributes about a thing, such as a… …   Wikipedia

  • associative — associatively /euh soh shee ay tiv lee, euh tiv , see /, adv. associativity /euh soh shee euh tiv i tee, see , sheuh tiv /, associativeness, n. /euh soh shee ay tiv, see , sheuh tiv/, adj. 1. pertaining to or resulting from association. 2.… …   Universalium

  • associative — as•so•ci•a•tive [[t]əˈsoʊ ʃiˌeɪ tɪv, si , ʃə tɪv[/t]] adj. 1) pertaining to or resulting from association 2) tending to associate or unite 3) math. pho Math. a) (of an operation on a set of elements) giving an equivalent expression when elements… …   From formal English to slang

  • Union (set theory) — Union of two sets …   Wikipedia

  • Working Set — Als Paging (vgl. engl. page Speicherseite) oder deutsch Kachelverwaltung bezeichnet man die Methode der Arbeitsspeicher Verwaltung per Seitenadressierung durch Betriebssysteme. Dabei wird häufig aus Effizienzgründen die sogenannte Memory… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Example of a commutative non-associative magma — In mathematics, it can be shown that there exist magmas that are commutative but not associative. A simple example of such a magma is given by considering the children s game of rock, paper, scissors.A commutative non associative magmaLet M := {… …   Wikipedia

  • Intersection (set theory) — Intersections of the Greek, Latin and Russian alphabet (upper case graphemes) (The intersection of Greek and Latin letters is used for the Greek licence plates.) …   Wikipedia

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