set up as an asset

set up as an asset
ввести как статью актива в балансе

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "set up as an asset" в других словарях:

  • Asset-backed security — In finance, an asset backed security is a type of debt security that is based on pools of assets, or collateralized by the cash flows from a specified pool of underlying assets. Assets are pooled to make otherwise minor and uneconomical… …   Wikipedia

  • Asset Mix — The classification of all assets within a fund or portfolio. Assets are assigned to one of the core asset classes: stocks (equities), bonds (fixed income), cash and real estate. Other categories that are sometimes considered asset classes are… …   Investment dictionary

  • asset — as·set / a ˌset, sət/ n [back formation from assets, singular, sufficient property to pay debts and legacies, from Anglo French asetz, from Old French asez enough] 1: the entire property of a person, business organization, or estate that is… …   Law dictionary

  • Asset specificity — is a term related to the inter party relationships of a transaction. It has been extensively studied in a variety of management and economics areas such as marketing, accounting, organizational behavior and management information systems.… …   Wikipedia

  • Asset management — Asset management, broadly defined, refers to any system whereby things that are of value to an entity or group are monitored and maintained. It may apply to both tangible assets and to intangible concepts such as intellectual property and… …   Wikipedia

  • Asset recovery software — is a business term that refers to a set of software tools or modules used in executing asset recovery transactions, managing buyer relationships, and controlling associated business processes. The key purpose of these tools is to help companies… …   Wikipedia

  • Asset management (disambiguation) — Asset Management can refer to: *Financial Asset Management: **Investment management the sector of the financial services industry that manages collective investment schemes. **Global assets under management **List of asset management firms… …   Wikipedia

  • Asset protection — (sometimes also referred to as debtor creditor law) refers to a set of legal techniques and a body of statutory and common law dealing with protecting assets of individuals and business entities from civil money judgments, creditors such as… …   Wikipedia

  • asset — [ˈæset] noun [C] 1) something such as money or property that a company owns 2) something that gives you benefits He is a definite asset to the team.[/ex] Youth is a tremendous asset in this job.[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Asset — As set, n. Any article or separable part of one s assets. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Asset-backed commercial paper — (ABCP) is a form of commercial paper that is collateralised by other financial assets. ABCPs are typically short term investments that mature between 90 and 180 days and are typically issued by a bank or other financial institution. They are… …   Wikipedia

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