set of parameters

set of parameters
мат. набор параметров

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "set of parameters" в других словарях:

  • SET —    A Novell NetWare server command used to establish operating system parameters, including parameters for communications, the memory pool, file and directory caching, the disk and file system, locking, transaction tracking, the NetWare Core… …   Dictionary of networking

  • set up program — program that allows the defining of parameters that determine how the application will run (for example the colors of the background) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Mandelbrot set — Initial image of a Mandelbrot set zoom sequence with a continuously coloured environment …   Wikipedia

  • Definable set — In mathematical logic, a definable set is an n ary relation on the domain of a structure whose elements are precisely those elements satisfying some formula in the language of that structure. A set can be defined with or without parameters, which …   Wikipedia

  • Principles and parameters — is a framework in generative linguistics. Principles and parameters was largely formulated by the linguists Noam Chomsky and Howard Lasnik, though it was the culmination of the research of many linguists. Today, many linguists have adopted this… …   Wikipedia

  • Hapke parameters — The Hapke parameters are a set of parameters for a quasi experimental model that are commonly used to describe the directional reflectance properties of the airless regolith surfaces of bodies in the solar system. They were developed by… …   Wikipedia

  • Scattering parameters — or S parameters are properties used in electrical engineering, electronics engineering, and communication systems engineering describing the electrical behavior of linear electrical networks when undergoing various steady state stimuli by small… …   Wikipedia

  • Julia set — In complex dynamics, the Julia set J(f), [Note that in other areas of mathematics the notation J(f), can also represent the Jacobian matrix of a real valued mapping f, between smooth manifolds.] of a holomorphic function f, informally consists of …   Wikipedia

  • Difference set — For the concept of set difference, see complement (set theory). In combinatorics, a (v,k,λ) difference set is a subset D of a group G such that the order of G is v, the size of D is k, and every nonidentity element of G can be expressed as a… …   Wikipedia

  • The Clinton Parameters — (Hebrew: מתווה קלינטון‎, Mitveh Clinton, lit. Clinton s Outline) is a term attributed to the guidelines for Permanent Status Agreement, that were offered by then President of the United States, Bill Clinton, in late 2000. The background for… …   Wikipedia

  • Stokes parameters — The Stokes parameters are a set of values that describe the polarization state of electromagnetic radiation (including visible light). They were defined by George Gabriel Stokes in 1852, as a mathematically convenient alternative to the more… …   Wikipedia

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