sesquipedalian words

sesquipedalian words

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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  • sesquipedalian words — index bombast Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • sesquipedalian — [seskwip′ə dəlses΄kwi pə dā′lē ən, ses΄kwipə dāl′yən] adj. [< L sesquipedalis, of a foot and a half < sesqui (see SESQUI ) + pedalis < pes (gen. pedis), a FOOT] 1. measuring a foot and a half 2. very long: said of words 3. using, or… …   English World dictionary

  • sesquipedalian — 1610s, from L. sesquipedalia verba words a foot and a half long, in Horace s Ars Poetica (97), nicely illustrating the thing he is criticizing, from sesqui half as much again (see SESQUICENTENNIAL (Cf. sesquicentennial)) + pes foot (see FOOT (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • sesquipedalian — I noun a very long word (a foot and a half long) • Syn: ↑sesquipedalia • Hypernyms: ↑polysyllable, ↑polysyllabic word II adjective 1. given to the overuse of long words …   Useful english dictionary

  • sesquipedalian — 1. noun /ˌsɛskwɪpɪˈdeɪlɪən/ a) A person who uses long words. b) A long word. 2. adjective /ˌsɛskwɪpɪˈdeɪlɪən/ a) long; polysyllabic. More people know the sesquipedalian word …   Wiktionary

  • sesquipedalian — [17] Sesquipedalian means etymologically ‘a foot and a half long’. Its use in English was inspired by the Roman poet Horace’s phrase sesquipedalia verba, literally ‘words a foot and a half long’, hence ‘preposterously long words that sound… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • sesquipedalian — /ˌsɛskwipəˈdeɪliən/ (say .seskweepuh dayleeuhn) adjective 1. measuring a foot and a half. 2. (of words or expressions) very long: *it had been an entertainment for my seniors in my infancy to tutor me in a sesquipedalian vocabulary, so we… …  

  • sesquipedalian — [17] Sesquipedalian means etymologically ‘a foot and a half long’. Its use in English was inspired by the Roman poet Horace’s phrase sesquipedalia verba, literally ‘words a foot and a half long’, hence ‘preposterously long words that sound… …   Word origins

  • Sesquipedalian — Sesquipedal Ses*quip e*dal, Sesquipedalian Ses qui*pe*da li*an, a. [Sesqui + pedal: cf. F. sesquip[ e]dal, L. sesquipedalis.] Measuring or containing a foot and a half; as, a sesquipedalian pygmy; sometimes humorously applied to long words. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sesquipedalian — adjective Etymology: Latin sesquipedalis, literally, a foot and a half long, from sesqui + ped , pes foot more at foot Date: 1656 1. having many syllables ; long < sesquipedalian terms > 2. given to or characterized by the use of long words < a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sesquipedalian — sesquipedality /ses kwi pi dal i tee/, sesquipedalianism, sesquipedalism /ses kwip i dl iz euhm, kwi peed l iz euhm/, n. /ses kwi pi day lee euhn, dayl yeuhn/, adj. Also, sesquipedal /ses kwip i dl/. 1. given to using long words. 2. (of a word)… …   Universalium

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