service well
Смотреть что такое "service well" в других словарях:
Service well — A well drilled, completed, or converted for the purpose of supporting production in an existing field. Wells of this class also are drilled or converted for the following specific purposes: gas injection (natural gas, propane, butane or fuel… … Energy terms
Service Oriented Programming — (SOP) is a programming paradigm that uses services as the unit of computer work, to design and implement integrated business applications and mission critical software programs. Services can represent steps of business processes and thus one of… … Wikipedia
Service-oriented architecture — (SOA) is a method for systems development and integration where functionality is grouped around business processes and packaged as interoperable services . SOA also describes IT infrastructure which allows different applications to exchange data… … Wikipedia
Service-oriented architecture implementation framework — Service oriented architectures (SOA) are based on the notion of software services, which are high level software components that include web services. Implementation of an SOA requires tools as well as run time infrastructure software. This is… … Wikipedia
Service Science, Management and Engineering — Service Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME) is a term introduced by IBM to describe Services Sciences, an interdisciplinary approach to the study, design, and implementation of services systems – complex systems in which specific… … Wikipedia
Service Modeling Language — (SML) is a pair of XML based specifications by leading information technology companies that define a set of XML instance document extensions for expressing links between elements, a set of XML Schema extensions for constraining those links, and… … Wikipedia
Service-learning — is a method of teaching, learning and reflecting that combines academic classroom curriculum with meaningful service, frequently youth service, throughout the community. As a teaching methodology, it falls under the philosophy of experiential… … Wikipedia
Well logging — Gamma ray logging Spontaneous potential logging Resistivity logging Density logging Sonic logging Caliper logging Mud logging LWD/MWD v · … Wikipedia
Well integrity — is defined by [ NORSOK D 010] as “Application of technical, operational and organizational solutions to reduce risk of uncontrolled release of formation fluids throughout the life cycle of a well”. There… … Wikipedia
Service Canada — is part of a Government of Canada wide service transformation initiative aimed at responding to Canadians expressed desire for better, more responsive, less cluttered service from Canadian governments. The initiative seeks to do this by improving … Wikipedia
Service-oriented transformation — is the successor to classic business transformation initiatives. Service oriented transformation represents new methodologies and approaches that incorporate new technology trends such as service oriented architecture, enterprise service bus,… … Wikipedia