service stripe
Смотреть что такое "service stripe" в других словарях:
service stripe — ☆ service stripe n. a stripe, or any of the parallel diagonal stripes, worn on the left sleeve of a uniform to indicate years spent in the service … English World dictionary
Service stripe — A service stripe, commonly called a hash mark, is a decoration of the United States military which is presented to enlisted members of the U.S. military to denote length of service. The United States Army awards each stripe for three years… … Wikipedia
service stripe — serv′ice stripe n. mil a stripe on the sleeve of a military uniform indicating the wearer s length of active service • Etymology: 1915–20 … From formal English to slang
service stripe — noun Date: circa 1920 a stripe worn on an enlisted man s left sleeve to indicate three years of service in the army or four years in the navy … New Collegiate Dictionary
service stripe — Mil. a stripe worn on the left sleeve by an enlisted person to indicate a specific period of time served on active duty. [1915 20] * * * … Universalium
service stripe — noun an insignia worn to indicate years of service • Syn: ↑hashmark, ↑hash mark • Hypernyms: ↑insignia … Useful english dictionary
stripe — n. strip, band 1) a sergeant s stripes 2) a service stripe (worn on a soldier s sleeve to indicate length of service) sort (esp. AE) 3) of a certain stripe (people of their stripe) * * * [straɪp] [ strip, band ] a sergeant s stripes [ sort ] (esp … Combinatory dictionary
Stripe — A stripe is a long, straight region of a single color, it may refer to:* Candystripe, a pattern of diagonal stripes twisted around a cylinder stereotypically embodied by the candy cane * Candystriper, a nickname for a female hospital volunteer… … Wikipedia
stripe — Synonyms and related words: Hershey bar, animus, aptitude, aviation badge, badge, band, bandeau, bar, baste, bastinado, beat, belabor, belt, bent, bespangle, bespeckle, bespot, bias, birch, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blood, blotch, body build … Moby Thesaurus
stripe — [strīp] n. [< MLowG & MDu strīpe < IE * streib < base * ster > STRIP2] 1. a long, narrow band, mark, or streak, differing in color, texture, or material from the surrounding area 2. [often pl.] a fabric or garment with a pattern of… … English World dictionary
stripe — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, welt, long scar, blow, probably from stripe band on a garment Date: 15th century a stroke or blow with a rod or lash II. transitive verb (striped; striping) Etymology: Middle English, to place bands or edging on … New Collegiate Dictionary