service factor

service factor

1. эксплуатационный коэффициент
2. показатель уровня обслуживания

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "service factor" в других словарях:

  • Service level agreement — Le Service Level Agreement (SLA) est un document qui définit la qualité de service requise entre un prestataire et un client. Le Service Level Agreement, que l’on pourrait traduire en français par Contrat de niveau de service est donc un contrat… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Service level agreement — A service level agreement (frequently abbreviated as SLA) is a part of a service contract where the level of service is formally defined. In practice, the term SLA is sometimes used to refer to the contracted delivery time (of the service) or… …   Wikipedia

  • Service Level Agreement — Le Service Level Agreement (SLA) est un document qui définit la qualité de service requise entre un prestataire et un client. Le Service Level Agreement, que l’on pourrait traduire en français par accord de niveau de service ou contrat de niveau… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Factor de transferencia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los factores de transferencia son un factor derivado de la lisis de leucocitos de donadores inmunes que es capaz de transferir inmunidad tanto local, como sistémica a receptores no inmunes. Son consideradas un tipo… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Service Modeling Language — (SML) is a pair of XML based specifications by leading information technology companies that define a set of XML instance document extensions for expressing links between elements, a set of XML Schema extensions for constraining those links, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Factor of safety — See also: safety factor (plasma physics) Factor of safety (FoS), also known as safety factor (SF), is a term describing the structural capacity of a system beyond the expected loads or actual loads. Essentially, how much stronger the system is… …   Wikipedia

  • Service (economics) — A service is the non material equivalent of a good. A service provision is an economic activity that does not result in ownership, and this is what differentiates it from providing physical goods. It is claimed to be a process that creates… …   Wikipedia

  • factor — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French facteur, from Latin factor doer, from facere Date: 15th century 1. one who acts or transacts business for another: as a. broker 1b b. one that lends money to producers and dealers (as on the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Service delivery platform — The term Service Delivery Platform (SDP) usually refers to a set of components that provide a service’s delivery architecture (such as service creation, session control protocols) for a type of service. There is no standard definition of SDP in… …   Wikipedia

  • Service pistol — A Soviet officer, armed with a Tokarev TT 33 service pistol, urges Soviet troops forward against German positions during World War II A service pistol is any handgun issued to military personnel. Typically service pistols are revolvers or semi… …   Wikipedia

  • Service life — A product s service life is its expected lifetime, or the acceptable period of use in service. It is the time that any manufactured item can be expected to be serviceable or supported by its manufacturer. Expected service life consists of… …   Wikipedia

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