serve upon
Смотреть что такое "serve upon" в других словарях:
Serve — Serve, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Served}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Serving}.] [OE. serven, servien, OF. & F. servir, fr. L. servire; akin to servus a servant or slave, servare to protect, preserve, observe; cf. Zend har to protect, haurva protecting. Cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
serve — vt served, serv·ing 1: to deliver, publish, or execute (notice or process) as required by law no notice of any such request was ever served on the husband National Law Journal 2: to make legal service upon (the person named in a process): inform… … Law dictionary
serve — servable, serveable, adj. /serrv/, v., served, serving, n. v.i. 1. to act as a servant. 2. to wait on table, as a waiter. 3. to offer or have a meal or refreshments available, as for patrons or guests: Come early, we re serving at six. 4. to… … Universalium
serve — [c]/sɜv / (say serv) verb (served, serving) –verb (i) 1. to act as a servant. 2. to wait at table; hand food to guests. 3. to render assistance; help. 4. to go through a term of service; do duty as a soldier, sailor, councillor, juror, etc. 5. to …
serve — I. verb (served; serving) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French servir, from Latin servire to be a slave, serve, from servus slave, servant Date: 13th century intransitive verb 1. a. to be a servant b. to do military or naval service … New Collegiate Dictionary
serve — [[t]sɜrv[/t]] v. served, serv•ing, n. 1) to act as a servant 2) to wait on table, as a waiter 3) to have a meal or refreshments available, as for patrons or guests 4) to distribute a food or beverage, as a host or hostess 5) to render assistance; … From formal English to slang
Serve the Devil, Praise the Lord — Infobox Album Name = Serve the Devil, Praise the Lord Type = Album Artist = Buc Fifty Released = June 15 2004 Recorded = 2003 2004 Genre = Gangsta rap, Hardcore rap Length = Label = Battleaxe Producer = J Swift, DJ Revolution Reviews = Last album … Wikipedia
serve — Synonyms and related words: accommodate, accord, act, act as, act for, administer, administer to, advance, advantage, afford, allot, allow, answer, answer for, assist, attend, attend on, attend to, avail, award, ball, be OK, be correct, be equal… … Moby Thesaurus
serve — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. attend, wait on (see servant); replace; aid; avail, be of use; supply; suffice. See utility, provision, sufficiency. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To fulfill an obligation] Syn. carry out, complete, hear… … English dictionary for students
serve — v 1. wait on or upon, wait on hand and foot, attend, minister to, care for, give service, be at [s.o. s] beck and call; wait on table, waitress, cocktail waitress, give food and drink; offer refreshments, pass out or come around with refreshments … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
upon the place — phrasal obsolete : on the spot : immediately told him upon the place, I would serve his majesty William Temple … Useful english dictionary