serve a trick

serve a trick
сыграть с кем-л. шутку

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "serve a trick" в других словарях:

  • serve someone a trick — To play a trick on someone • • • Main Entry: ↑serve …   Useful english dictionary

  • Trick play — A trick play, also known as a gadget play or gimmick play, is a play in American football that uses deception and unorthodox strategies to fool the opposing team. A trick play is often risky, offering the potential for a large gain or a touchdown …   Wikipedia

  • serve — v. & n. v. 1 tr. do a service for (a person, community, etc.). 2 tr. (also absol.) be a servant to. 3 intr. carry out duties (served on six committees). 4 intr. a (foll. by in) be employed in (an organization, esp. the armed forces, or a place,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • serve — verb 1》 perform duties or services for.     ↘be employed as a member of the armed forces.     ↘spend (a period) in office, in an apprenticeship, or in prison. 2》 present food or drink to (someone).     ↘(of food or drink) be enough for.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • serve — Synonyms and related words: accommodate, accord, act, act as, act for, administer, administer to, advance, advantage, afford, allot, allow, answer, answer for, assist, attend, attend on, attend to, avail, award, ball, be OK, be correct, be equal… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • A Trick to Catch the Old One — is a Jacobean comedy written by Thomas Middleton, first published in 1608. The play is a satire in the sub genre of city comedy.The play was entered into the Stationers Register on Oct. 7, 1607 by the printer George Eld, and published by him in… …   Wikipedia

  • do the trick — Synonyms and related words: accomplish, achieve, advance, advantage, answer, attain, avail, be handy, be of use, be right, befit, befitting, benefit, bestead, bring off, bring through, carry off, compass, consummate, crown with success, deal with …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Australian handball — Original research|date=February 2008Unreferenced|date=April 2007Australian Handball is a popular schoolyard game in Australia and New Zealand. It is a variation of Chinese Handball, with many similarities to other Chinese Handball games, but more …   Wikipedia

  • List of circle kick variants — Circle kick is the most common game played with a footbag, and it is the game people usually refer to when they talk about hacking the sack or hacky sack . Players stand in a circle, do tricks with the footbag, and keep it moving around the… …   Wikipedia

  • Characters in the Deltora Quest series — The Deltora series features a wide line of characters, both important and minor. The series also features many different monsters and creatures that appeared in all of the many different books. This article is a list of the many different… …   Wikipedia

  • Shell game — For other uses, see Shell game (disambiguation). An illegal shell game performed with bottle caps on Fulton Street in New York City The shell game (also known as Thimblerig, Three shells and a pea, the old army game) is portrayed as a gambling… …   Wikipedia

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