serve a summons

serve a summons
вручать приказ о вызове в суд

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "serve a summons" в других словарях:

  • serve — [sɜːv ǁ sɜːrv] verb 1. [transitive] COMMERCE to supply customers with a particular product or service or with something they need: • The firm plans to open a London office to serve clients with investments and businesses in Europe. • JAL Group… …   Financial and business terms

  • Serve — Serve, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Served}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Serving}.] [OE. serven, servien, OF. & F. servir, fr. L. servire; akin to servus a servant or slave, servare to protect, preserve, observe; cf. Zend har to protect, haurva protecting. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • serve — I n. (tennis) 1) the serve was good; long; out 2) a serve to (a serve to the backhand) II v. 1) (A) ( to bring ) she served dinner to us; or: she served us dinner 2) (d; intr.) to serve as ( to fulfill the functions of ) (his illness served as an …   Combinatory dictionary

  • summons — n. 1) to issue a summons 2) to serve a summons on 3) a summons to + inf. (I received a summons to appear in court) * * * [ sʌmənz] to issue a summons to serve a summons on a summons to + inf. (I received a summons to appear in court) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • serve — serve1 W1S1 [sə:v US sə:rv] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(food/drink)¦ 2 serve two/three/four etc (people) 3¦(shop)¦ 4¦(be useful/helpful)¦ 5¦(do useful work)¦ 6¦(have an effect)¦ 7¦(provide something)¦ 8¦(prison)¦ 9¦(sport)¦ 10 it …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • serve — [[t]sɜ͟ː(r)v[/t]] ♦♦ serves, serving, served 1) VERB If you serve your country, an organization, or a person, you do useful work for them. [V n] It is unfair to soldiers who have served their country well for many years... [V n] I have always… …   English dictionary

  • serve — 1 verb 1 FOOD/DRINK (I, T) to give someone food or drink as part of a meal: What kind of wine should we serve? | serve sth with sth: Serve the dish with rice and a green salad. | serve sb: Why aren t you out there serving the guests? | serve sth… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • summons — sum|mons1 [ˈsʌmənz] n plural summonses [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: somonse, from the past participle of somondre; SUMMON] an official order to appear in a court of law ▪ The judge must issue a summons . ▪ He had been accused of a drug …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • summons — 1 noun plural summonses (C) an official order to appear in a court of law: serve a summons on sb (=order someone to appear in court) 2 verb (transitive usually passive) to order someone to appear in a court of law: I was summonsed to appear as a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • summons — sum·mons 1 / sə mənz/ n pl sum·mons·es / mən zəz/: a written notification that one is required to appear in court: as a: a document in a civil suit that is issued by an authorized judicial officer (as a clerk of court) and delivered to a… …   Law dictionary

  • serve — vt served, serv·ing 1: to deliver, publish, or execute (notice or process) as required by law no notice of any such request was ever served on the husband National Law Journal 2: to make legal service upon (the person named in a process): inform… …   Law dictionary

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