serious damage
Смотреть что такое "serious damage" в других словарях:
serious damage — heavy damage, serious damage, much harm, great injury … English contemporary dictionary
damage */*/*/ — I UK [ˈdæmɪdʒ] / US noun Get it right: damage: When damage means harm or injury it is an uncountable noun, and so: ▪ it is never used in the plural ▪ it never comes after a or a number Wrong: These toxins can cause damages to the lungs and… … English dictionary
damage — dam|age1 [ dæmıdʒ ] noun *** 1. ) uncount physical harm caused to something so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured: Mr. Charlton surveyed the damage caused by the bulldozer. damage to: Damage to the building could take six months to repair. do … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
damage — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 harm/injury ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, enormous, great, heavy, massive, serious, severe, significant, substantial, untold … Collocations dictionary
damage — ▪ I. damage dam‧age 1 [ˈdæmɪdʒ] noun 1. [uncountable] a bad effect on something that makes it weaker or less successful: damage to • The result of this policy will be severe damage to the British economy. 2. [uncountable] physical harm caused to… … Financial and business terms
damage — [[t]dæ̱mɪʤ[/t]] ♦♦ damages, damaging, damaged 1) VERB To damage an object means to break it, spoil it physically, or stop it from working properly. [V n] He maliciously damaged a car with a baseball bat... [V n] Lemon juice has the potential to… … English dictionary
damage*/*/*/ — [ˈdæmɪdʒ] noun I 1) [U] physical harm a new drug to treat nerve damage[/ex] Luckily, no serious damage had been done.[/ex] The house suffered only superficial damage in the fire.[/ex] Damage to the building could take six months to repair.[/ex]… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Serious Sam II — Эта статья или раздел нуждается в переработке. В статье не соблюдён энциклопедический стиль, больше похоже на инструкцию по прохождению игры Пожалуйста, улучшите статью в соответс … Википедия
Damage per second — (DPS) is a term used with computer games to describe the average rate of damage inflicted over time. The term is especially common in massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG) and is a key aspect of theorycraft. In this… … Wikipedia
damage — dam·age 1 n [Old French, from dam injury, harm, from Latin damnum financial loss, fine] 1: loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property, or reputation 2 pl: the money awarded to a party in a civil suit as reparation for the loss or… … Law dictionary
damage — dam|age1 W2S2 [ˈdæmıdʒ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(physical harm)¦ 2¦(emotional harm)¦ 3¦(bad effect)¦ 4 damages 5 the damage is done 6 what s the damage? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: dam damage , from Latin damnum; … Dictionary of contemporary English