series array

series array
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "series array" в других словарях:

  • array — ar·ray 1 /ə rā/ vt: to set (a jury) for trial; specif: to set (a jury) by calling out the names of the jurors one at a time compare impanel array 2 n: the group of people summoned to serve as jurors from which the jury will be chosen; also: a… …   Law dictionary

  • Array — Ar*ray , n. [OE. arai, arrai, OF. arrai, arrei, arroi, order, arrangement, dress, F. arroi; a (L. ad) + OF. rai, rei, roi, order, arrangement, fr. G. or Scand.; cf. Goth. raidjan, garaidjan, to arrange, MHG. gereiten, Icel. rei[eth]i rigging,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • series — [n] order, succession alternation, arrangement, array, category, chain, classification, column, consecution, continuity, course, file, gradation, group, line, list, procession, progression, range, row, run, scale, sequel, sequence, set, skein,… …   New thesaurus

  • array — arrayer, n. /euh ray /, v.t. 1. to place in proper or desired order; marshal: Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle. 2. to clothe with garments, esp. of an ornamental kind; dress up; deck out: She arrayed herself in furs and diamonds. n. 3.… …   Universalium

  • Séries de Fourier — Série de Fourier Le premier graphe donne l allure du graphe d une fonction périodique ; l histogramme donne les valeurs des modules des coefficients de Fourier correspondant aux différentes fréquences. En analyse, les séries de Fourier sont… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • array — ar•ray [[t]əˈreɪ[/t]] v. t. 1) to place in proper order; marshal: to array troops for battle[/ex] 2) to clothe with garments, esp. of an ornamental kind 3) order or arrangement, as of troops drawn up for battle 4) mil military force, esp. a body… …   From formal English to slang

  • array — I. transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French arraier, from Vulgar Latin *arredare, from Latin ad + a base of Germanic origin; akin to Gothic garaiths arranged more at ready Date: 14th century 1. to dress or decorate especially… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • series — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. sequence, set, succession, chain, progression, cycle. See continuity. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. rank, file, line, row, set, train, range, list, string, chain, order, sequence, succession, group,… …   English dictionary for students

  • array — n. & v. n. 1 an imposing or well ordered series or display. 2 an ordered arrangement, esp. of troops (battle array). 3 poet. an outfit or dress (in fine array). 4 a Math. an arrangement of quantities or symbols in rows and columns; a matrix. b… …   Useful english dictionary

  • array — /əˈreɪ / (say uh ray) verb (t) 1. to place in proper or desired order, as troops for battle. 2. to clothe with garments, especially of an ornamental kind; deck. –noun 3. the proper or desired order, as of troops drawn up on a parade ground or for …  

  • series regulator —   Type of battery charge regulator where the charging current is controlled by a switch, transistor, or FET connected in series with the PV module or array.   Solar Electric Glossary …   Energy terms

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