- serializer/deserializer
- схема параллельно-последовательного/ последовательно-параллельного преобразования
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
deserializer — noun An electronic device that takes the serial output of a serializer and converts it back to parallel … Wiktionary
SerDes — A Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes pronounced sir deez) is a pair of functional blocks commonly used in high speed communications to compensate for limited input/output. These blocks convert data between serial data and parallel interfaces in each … Wikipedia
PCI Express — Not to be confused with PCI X. PCI Express Year created 2004 Created by Intel · Dell · IBM · … Wikipedia
Low-voltage differential signaling — Low voltage differential signaling, or LVDS, is an electrical signaling system that can run at very high speeds over inexpensive twisted pair copper cables. It was introduced in 1994, and has since become very popular in computers, where it forms … Wikipedia
SIPO — or Sipo can refer to* Sicherheitspolizei * State Intellectual Property Office of the People s Republic of China (Chinese Patent Office) * South Island Pied Oystercatcher, Haematopus finschi * Sipo (timber), an African timber *Serial In Parallel… … Wikipedia
Optical Internetworking Forum — The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) is a non profit, member driven organization founded in 1998. It promotes the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services through the creation of Implementation Agreements… … Wikipedia
Signal integrity — or SI is a measure of the quality of an electrical signal. In digital electronics, a stream of binary values is represented by a voltage (or current) waveform. Over short distances and at low bit rates, a simple conductor can transmit this with… … Wikipedia
Super I/O — (англ. Super Input/output, дословно: супер <контроллер> ввода/вывода) название класса сопроцессоров, которые начали использоваться после 1980 х годов на материнских платах IBM PC совместимых компьютеров путём сочетания функций… … Википедия
LVDS — Низковольтная дифференциальная передача сигналов (англ. low voltage differential signaling или LVDS) способ передачи электрических сигналов, позволяющий передавать информацию на высоких частотах при помощи дешёвых соединений на основе… … Википедия
SDM3G13 — Serializer and Deserializer Macro, 3.3GBits/second, 0.13 µm Technology (Computing » Hardware) … Abbreviations dictionary
SDM3G14 — Serializer and Deserializer Macro, 3.2GBits/second, 0.14 µm Technology (Computing » Hardware) … Abbreviations dictionary