serial memory

serial memory
последовательная память, последовательное запоминающее устройство;
память [запоминающее устройство] с последовательной выборкой

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "serial memory" в других словарях:

  • Serial Presence Detect — (SPD) refers to a standardized way to automatically access information about a computer memory module. It is the serial version of Parallel Presence Detect (PPD).tored informationIn order for a memory module to support SPD, the JEDEC standards… …   Wikipedia

  • Serial ATA — (SATA, auch S ATA/Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) ist eine hauptsächlich für den Datenaustausch zwischen Prozessor und Festplatte entwickelte Verbindungstechnik. Serial ATA Logo …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Memory and social interactions — Memory underpins and enables social interactions in a variety of ways. In order to engage in successful social interaction, organisms must be able to remember how they should interact with one another, who they have interacted with previously,… …   Wikipedia

  • Memory sport — Memory sport, sometimes referred to as competitive memory or the mind sport of memory, is a competition in which participants attempt to memorize the most information that they can then present back, under certain guidelines. The sport has been… …   Wikipedia

  • Memory architecture — describes the methods used to implement electronic computer data storage in a manner that is a combination of the fastest, most reliable, most durable, and least expensive way to store and retrieve information. Depending on the specific… …   Wikipedia

  • Memory timings — (or RAM timings) refer collectively to a set of four numerical parameters called CL, tRCD, tRP, and tRAS, commonly represented as a series of four numbers separated with dashes, in that respective order (e.g. 5 5 5 15). However, it is not unusual …   Wikipedia

  • serial access memory — noun (computing) Memory where storage locations can be accessed only in predetermined sequences, eg in magnetic tape • • • Main Entry: ↑series …   Useful english dictionary

  • Serial sevens — Serial sevens, counting down from one hundred by sevens, is a clinical test used to test mental function; for example, to help assess mental status after possible head injury or in suspected cases of dementia. It forms part of the Mini mental… …   Wikipedia

  • Serial position effect — Graph showing the serial position effect. The vertical axis shows the percentage of words recalled; the horizontal axis shows their position in the sequence. The serial position effect, a term coined by Hermann Ebbinghaus through studies he… …   Wikipedia

  • Memory card — Miniaturization is evident in memory card creation; over time, the physical card sizes grow smaller. A memory card or flash card is an electronic flash memory data storage device used for storing digital information. They are commonly used in… …   Wikipedia

  • Serial port — A male DE 9 connector used for a serial port on a IBM PC compatible computer. (Pinout) …   Wikipedia

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