- serial bonds
- nоблигации , погашаемые сериями
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Serial bonds — Corporate bonds arranged so that specified principal amounts become due on specified dates. Related: term bonds. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * serial bonds UK US noun [plural] FINANCE ► bonds that are bought at the same time but… … Financial and business terms
serial bonds — corporate bonds arranged so that specified principal amounts become due on specified dates. Related: term bonds. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * serial bonds UK US noun [plural] FINANCE ► bonds that are bought at the same time but that… … Financial and business terms
serial bonds — Bonds issued by a public body payable at different times. 43 Am J1st Pub Sec § 8. Bonds of a corporation or municipality which are issued in a series of which different parts are redeemable at different specified dates. Fales v Multnomah County,… … Ballentine's law dictionary
serial bonds — Bonds that mature in instalments, rather than on one maturity date … Accounting dictionary
serial bonds — A serial bond issue consists of a number of bonds issued at the same time but with different maturity dates (serially due), usually with interest rates varying for the different maturity dates. To be distinguished from the series bonds (q.v.). An … Black's law dictionary
serial — se‧ri‧al [ˈsɪəriəl ǁ ˈsɪr ] adjective [only before a noun] 1. FINANCE serial bonds etc are a set of investments which mature (= become due for payment) at regular intervals over a period of time: • All of the issue s serial bonds have split… … Financial and business terms
Serial bond — Serial bonds are financial bonds that mature in installments over a period of time. In effect, a $100,000, 5 year serial bond would mature in a $20,000 annuity over a 5 year interval. [cite book|author=Horngren C.|date=2007|title=Accounting|pages … Wikipedia
Serial Bond — A bond issue in which a portion of the outstanding bonds matures at regular intervals until eventually all of the bonds have matured. As they mature gradually over a period of years, these bonds are used to finance a project providing regular,… … Investment dictionary
serial — I. adjective Date: 1840 1. of, relating to, consisting of, or arranged in a series, rank, or row < serial order > 2. appearing in successive parts or numbers < a serial story > 3. belonging to a series maturing periodically rather than on a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Serial Bond With Balloon — A combination of a serial bond issue and a term bond issue. Essentially, the serial bond with balloon has bonds that mature at different intervals throughout the issue s life, and then a large percentage of the bonds (the term bonds) mature in… … Investment dictionary
serial bond — A bond that provides for the amount of debt to be divided into a series of different staggered maturities. For example, instead of issuing$10 million of 15 year bonds, a municipality may issue $10 million with $1 million maturing each year from… … Financial and business terms