sequential method
Смотреть что такое "sequential method" в других словарях:
parallel-sequential method — lygiagrečiai nuoseklus metodas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. parallel sequential method vok. parallel serielle Übertragung, f rus. параллельно последовательный метод, m pranc. méthode parallèle série, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
sequential access — Process of gaining entry to data by sequential method before arriving at the required information. Contrast with random access … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Sequential quadratic programming — (SQP) is one of the most popular and robust algorithms for nonlinear continuous optimization. The method is based on solving a series of subproblems designed to minimize a quadratic model of the objective subject to a linearization of the… … Wikipedia
Sequential transmission — may refer to:* Semi automatic transmission, a method of mechanical power transmission used in motor vehicles * Sequential manual transmission, a type of mechanical power transmission often used in motorbikes * Serial transmission, a method of… … Wikipedia
sequential access — noun (computing) A method of finding data in a file by reading through the file from the beginning (cf ↑direct access) • • • Main Entry: ↑sequence … Useful english dictionary
sequential access — method of reading from secondary memory in which reading and access are performed only by accessing each piece of data in order … English contemporary dictionary
Sequential access — In computer science, sequential access means that a group of elements (e.g. data in a memory array or a disk file or on a tape) is accessed in a predetermined, ordered sequence. Sequential access is sometimes the only way of accessing the data,… … Wikipedia
Sequential probability ratio test — The sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) is a specific sequential hypothesis test, developed by Abraham Wald. [cite journal first=Abraham last=Wald title=Sequential Tests of Statistical Hypotheses journal=Annals of Mathematical Statistics… … Wikipedia
sequential access method — nuosekliosios kreipties metodas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. sequential access method vok. sequentielle Zugriffsmethode, f rus. последовательный метод доступа, m pranc. méthode séquentielle d accès, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
sequential — adjective Date: 1844 1. of, relating to, or arranged in a sequence ; serial < sequential file systems > 2. following in sequence 3. relating to or based on a method of testing a statistical hypothesis that involves examination of a sequence of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
sequential estimation — ▪ statistics in statistics, a method of estimating a parameter by analyzing a sample (sampling) just large enough to ensure a previously chosen degree of precision. The fundamental technique is to take a sequence of samples, the outcome of… … Universalium