sequential decision problem

sequential decision problem
задача последовательного принятия решения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sequential decision problem" в других словарях:

  • Sequential probability ratio test — The sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) is a specific sequential hypothesis test, developed by Abraham Wald. [cite journal first=Abraham last=Wald title=Sequential Tests of Statistical Hypotheses journal=Annals of Mathematical Statistics… …   Wikipedia

  • Decision engineering — framework Decision Engineering is a framework that unifies a number of best practices for organizational decision making. It is based on the recognition that, in many organizations, decision making could be improved if a more structured approach… …   Wikipedia

  • decision tree — Alternative choices available at each stage of deciding how to manage a clinical problem, displayed graphically; at each branch or decision node, the probabilities of each outcome that can be predicted are shown; the relative worth of each… …   Medical dictionary

  • Info-gap decision theory — is a non probabilistic decision theory that seeks to optimize robustness to failure – or opportuneness for windfall – under severe uncertainty,[1][2] in particular applying sensitivity analysis of the stability radius type[3] to perturbations in… …   Wikipedia

  • Secretary problem — The secretary problem is an optimal stopping problem that has been studied extensively in the fields of applied probability, statistics, and decision theory. It is also known as the marriage problem, the sultan s dowry problem, the fussy suitor… …   Wikipedia

  • P versus NP problem — Unsolved problems in computer science Is P = NP ? …   Wikipedia

  • P = NP problem — The relationship between the complexity classes P and NP is an unsolved question in theoretical computer science. It is considered to be the most important problem in the field – the Clay Mathematics Institute has offered a $1 million US prize… …   Wikipedia

  • Travelling salesman problem — The travelling salesman problem (TSP) is an NP hard problem in combinatorial optimization studied in operations research and theoretical computer science. Given a list of cities and their pairwise distances, the task is to find a shortest… …   Wikipedia

  • Halting problem — In computability theory, the halting problem can be stated as follows: Given a description of a computer program, decide whether the program finishes running or continues to run forever. This is equivalent to the problem of deciding, given a… …   Wikipedia

  • Partially observable Markov decision process — A Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) is a generalization of a Markov Decision Process. A POMDP models an agent decision process in which it is assumed that the system dynamics are determined by an MDP, but the agent cannot… …   Wikipedia

  • Dining philosophers problem — In computer science, the dining philosophers problem is an example problem often used in concurrent algorithm design to illustrate synchronization issues and techniques for resolving them. It was originally formulated in 1965 by Edsger Dijkstra… …   Wikipedia

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