separation of duty

separation of duty
разграничение обязанностей

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "separation of duty" в других словарях:

  • Separation of duties — (SoD) is the concept of having more than one person required to complete a task. It is alternatively called segregation of duties or, in the political realm, separation of powers.General descriptionSeparation of duties is one of the key concepts… …   Wikipedia

  • Separation — may refer to several different subjects: *Separation processes, in chemistry *Flow separation, separation of a fluid boundary layer from the surface of a solid body moving relative to the fluid *Legal separation, a legal status where married… …   Wikipedia

  • separation center — ☆ separation center n. a center where persons in the armed forces are discharged or released from active duty …   English World dictionary

  • Separation of church and state in the United States — The phrase separation of church and state (sometimes wall of separation between church and state ), attributed to Thomas Jefferson and others, and since quoted by the Supreme Court of the United States, expresses an understanding of the intent… …   Wikipedia

  • Separation (United States military) — In the U.S. armed forces, separation means that a person is leaving active duty, but not necessarily leaving the service entirely. Separation typically occurs when someone reaches the date of their Expiration of Term of Service (ETS) and are… …   Wikipedia

  • separation — /sɛpəˈreɪʃən/ (say sepuh rayshuhn) noun 1. the act of separating. 2. the state of being separated. 3. a. Also, colour separation. the act of deconstructing a coloured image into three or four single colour layers, that is, into separate versions… …  

  • duty of support — A duty of supporting wife or child imposed or imposable by law, or by any court order, decree, or judgment, whether interlocutory or final, and whether incidental to a proceeding for divorce, judicial separation, separate maintenance, or… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Clark-Wilson model — The Clark Wilson integrity model provides a foundation for specifying and analyzing an integrity policy for a computing system. The model is primarily concerned with formalizing the notion of information integrity. Information integrity is… …   Wikipedia

  • History of virtual learning environments 1990s — In the history of virtual learning environments, the 1990s was a time of growth, primarily due to advent of the affordable computer and of the Internet.1990s1990* Formal Systems Inc. of Princeton, NJ, USA introduces a DOS based Assessment… …   Wikipedia

  • PERMIS — (PrivilEge and Role Management Infrastructure Standards) is a sophisticated policy based authorisation system that implements an enhanced version of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard Role Based Access Control …   Wikipedia

  • Windows Security Log — The Security Log, in Microsoft Windows, is a log that contains records of login/logout activity and/or other security related events specified by the system s audit policy. Auditing allows administrators to configure Windows to record operating… …   Wikipedia

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