separation master
Смотреть что такое "separation master" в других словарях:
Separation master — Цветоделённый позитив … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Master Tara Singh — Malhotra (24 June, 1885, Rawalpindi, Punjab 22 November, 1967, Chandigarh) was a prominent Sikh political and religious leader in the first half of the 20th century. He was instrumental in organizing the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandak Committee,… … Wikipedia
Separation of church and state in the United States — The phrase separation of church and state (sometimes wall of separation between church and state ), attributed to Thomas Jefferson and others, and since quoted by the Supreme Court of the United States, expresses an understanding of the intent… … Wikipedia
Master of Financial Economics — A master’s degree in financial economics provides an understanding of theoretical finance and the underlying economic framework.[1] The degree is postgraduate, and may incorporate a thesis or research component. Programs are often a joint… … Wikipedia
Psychology (The separation of) from philosophy — The separation of psychology from philosophy Studies in the sciences of mind 1815–1879 Edward S.Reed THE IMPOSSIBLE SCIENCE Traditional metaphysics The consensus of European opinion during and immediately after the Napoleonic era was that… … History of philosophy
Atomic vapor laser isotope separation — AVLIS Is an acronym which stands for atomic vapor laser isotope separation and is a method by which specially tuned lasers are used to separate isotopes of uranium using selective ionization of hyperfine transitions. In the largest technology… … Wikipedia
Licence-Master-Doctorat — Processus de Bologne Pour les autres significations, voir Bologne (homonymie). Le processus de Bologne est un engagement pour construire un espace européen de l enseignement supérieur avant 2010. Il ne s agit pas de mettre en place un… … Wikipédia en Français
Licence Master Doctorat — Processus de Bologne Pour les autres significations, voir Bologne (homonymie). Le processus de Bologne est un engagement pour construire un espace européen de l enseignement supérieur avant 2010. Il ne s agit pas de mettre en place un… … Wikipédia en Français
Unique Master Citizen Number — ( hr. Jedinstveni matični broj građana, acronym JMBG , sr. Јединствени матични број грађана , acronym ЈМБГ , mk. Единствен матичен број на граѓанинот , acronym ЕМБГ , sl. Enotna matična številka občana, acronym EMŠO ) is a unique identification… … Wikipedia
San Miguel Master Chorale — The San Miguel Master Chorale (SMMC), now non existent, was the first professional choir in the Philippines. It was composed of an all Filipino roster ranging from faculty members and honor graduates of reputable music conservatories, alumni of… … Wikipedia
Tara Singh Malhotra — Master Tara Singh Malhotra (24 June 1885, Rawalpindi, Punjab 22 November 1967, Chandigarh) was a prominent Sikh political and religious leader in the first half of the 20th century. He was instrumental in organizing the Shiromani Gurdwara… … Wikipedia