separating circuit

separating circuit
мат. разделяющий контур

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "separating circuit" в других словарях:

  • Earth leakage circuit breaker — An Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is a safety device used in electrical installations with high earth impedance to prevent shock.PurposeMany electrical installations have a relatively high earth impedance. This may be due to the use of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Kinston Indians — Founded in 1987 Kinston, North Carolina Team Logo …   Wikipedia

  • List of Edison patents — Below is a list of Edison patents. Thomas Edison was an inventor who, it is said, accumulated 1500 plus patents worldwide for his inventions. Nearly 1100 of Edison s patents were in the United States, but other patents were approved in countries… …   Wikipedia

  • Ground (electricity) — In electrical engineering, ground or earth may be the reference point in an electrical circuit from which other voltages are measured, or a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the Earth. A typical earthing… …   Wikipedia

  • Activities prohibited on Shabbat — Main article: Shabbat See also: Shomer Shabbat and Rabbinically prohibited activities of Shabbat The commandment to keep Shabbat as a day of rest is repeated many times in the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible. (See for example Exodus 31:12 17 quoted …   Wikipedia

  • Delta-sigma modulation — Delta sigma (ΔΣ; or sigma delta, ΣΔ) modulation is a method for encoding high resolution or analog signals into lower resolution digital signals. The conversion is done using error feedback, where the difference between the two signals is… …   Wikipedia

  • chromatography — chromatographer, n. chromatographic /kreuh mat euh graf ik, kroh meuh teuh /, adj. chromatographically, adv. /kroh meuh tog reuh fee/, n. Chem. the separation of mixtures into their constituents by preferential adsorption by a solid, as a column… …   Universalium

  • Glossary of graph theory — Graph theory is a growing area in mathematical research, and has a large specialized vocabulary. Some authors use the same word with different meanings. Some authors use different words to mean the same thing. This page attempts to keep up with… …   Wikipedia

  • Fuel cell — For other uses, see Fuel cell (disambiguation). Demonstration model of a direct methanol fuel cell. The actual fuel cell stack is the layered cube shape in the center of the image A fuel cell is a device that converts the chemical energy from a… …   Wikipedia

  • History of electrochemistry — Electrochemistry, a branch of chemistry, went through several changes during its evolution from early principles related to magnets in the early 16th and 17th centuries, to complex theories involving conductivity, electrical charge and… …   Wikipedia

  • education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… …   Universalium

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