sententious sayings
Смотреть что такое "sententious sayings" в других словарях:
sententious — /sɛnˈtɛnʃəs / (say sen tenshuhs) adjective 1. characterised by many pithy sayings or maxims: sententious style. 2. affectedly judicial in utterance; moralising; self righteous: *Ted thought, It is grim and marvellous by turns, and I may never… …
sententious — sententiously, adv. sententiousness, sententiosity /sen ten shee os i tee/, n. /sen ten sheuhs/, adj. 1. abounding in pithy aphorisms or maxims: a sententious book. 2. given to excessive moralizing; self righteous. 3. given to or using pithy… … Universalium
Saj' — Saj‘ is a form of rhymed prose in Arabic literature. It is named so because of its evenness or monotony, or from a fancied resemblance between its rhythm and the cooing of a dove. It is a highly artificial style of prose, characterized by a kind… … Wikipedia
Celtic literature — Introduction the body of writings composed in Gaelic and the languages derived from it, Scottish Gaelic and Manx, and in Welsh and its sister languages, Breton and Cornish. For writings in English by Irish, Scottish, and Welsh authors, see… … Universalium
Apothegmatize — Ap o*theg ma*tize, v. i. To utter apothegms, or short and sententious sayings. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Proverbs — Book of Proverbs † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Book of Proverbs One of the Sapiential writings of the Old Testament placed in the Hebrew Bible among the Hagiographa, and found in the Vulgate after the books of Psalms and Job. I. NAMES … Catholic encyclopedia
Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Bibliography of Major Proverb Collections and Works Cited from Modern Editions — Quotations are taken from the first edition of the work in question unless otherwise stated. Standard modern editions of several major authors, particularly from the medieval and Renaissance periods, have been used for ease of reference. Major… … Proverbs new dictionary
sen|ten´tious|ne — sen|ten|tious «sehn TEHN shuhs», adjective. 1. full of meaning; saying much in few words: »grave reflections and sententious maxims. SYNONYM(S): pithy. 2. speaking as if one were a judge settling a question. 3. inclined to make wise sayings;… … Useful english dictionary
sen|ten´tious|ly — sen|ten|tious «sehn TEHN shuhs», adjective. 1. full of meaning; saying much in few words: »grave reflections and sententious maxims. SYNONYM(S): pithy. 2. speaking as if one were a judge settling a question. 3. inclined to make wise sayings;… … Useful english dictionary
sen|ten|tious — «sehn TEHN shuhs», adjective. 1. full of meaning; saying much in few words: »grave reflections and sententious maxims. SYNONYM(S): pithy. 2. speaking as if one were a judge settling a question. 3. inclined to make wise sayings; abounding in… … Useful english dictionary
Edda — • A title applied to two different collections of old Norse literature, the poetical or Elder Edda and the prose or Younger Edda Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Edda Edda … Catholic encyclopedia