sensor cable
Смотреть что такое "sensor cable" в других словарях:
Sensor inductivo — Elementos de un sensor inductivo básico. 1. Sensor de campo 2. Oscilador 3. Demodulador 4. Flip flop 5. Salida Los sensores inductivos son una clase especial de sensores que sirven para detectar materiales metálicos ferrosos. Son de gran uti … Wikipedia Español
Level sensor — Level sensors are used to detect liquid level. The liquid to be measured can be inside a container or can be in its natural form (e.g. a river or a lake). The level measurement can be either continuous or point values. Continuous level sensors… … Wikipedia
Wii Vitality Sensor — Wii Wii Fabricant Nintendo Type Console de salon … Wikipédia en Français
Fiber optic sensor — A fiber optic sensor is a sensor that uses optical fiber either as the sensing element ( intrinsic sensors ), or as a means of relaying signals from a remote sensor to the electronics that process the signals ( extrinsic sensors ). Fibers have… … Wikipedia
Oxygen sensor — Contents 1 Automotive applications 1.1 Function of a lambda probe 1.2 The probe … Wikipedia
Peripheral Sensor Interface 5 — Peripheral Sensor Interface (PSI5) is a digital interface for sensors.PSI5 is a two wire interface, used to connect peripheral sensors to electronic control units in automotive electronics. Both point to point and bus configurations with… … Wikipedia
Integrated circuit piezoelectric sensor — An Integrated circuit piezoelectric or ICP sensor is used to measure piezoelectricity in circuitry.ICP is an acronym for integrated circuit piezoelectric , and is a registered trademark of PCB Group, Inc.(1,603,466), parent company of PCB… … Wikipedia
Burglar alarm — Silent alarm redirects here. For the album, see Silent Alarm (album). Burglar (or intrusion), fire and safety alarms are all electronic today. Sensors are connected to a control unit via a low voltage hardwire or narrowband RF signal which is… … Wikipedia
Optical fiber — A bundle of optical fibers A TOSLINK fiber optic audio c … Wikipedia
Distributed temperature sensing — systems (DTS) are optoelectronic devices which measure temperatures by means of optical fibres functioning as linear sensors. Temperatures are recorded along the optical sensor cable, thus not at points, but as a continuous profile. A high… … Wikipedia
Data acquisition system — A data acquisition system is a device designed to measure and log some parameters. The purpose of the data acquisition system is generally the analysis of the logged data and the improvement of the object of measurements. The data acquisition… … Wikipedia