sensing hand
Смотреть что такое "sensing hand" в других словарях:
Remote sensing — There are two kinds of remote sensing. Passive sensors detect natural energy (radiation) that is emitted or reflected by the object or surrounding area being observed. Reflected sunlight is the most common source of radiation measured by passive… … Wikipedia
Intracellular calcium-sensing proteins — are proteins that act in the second messenger system. Examples include: calmodulin calnexin calreticulin gelsolin External links MeSH Intracellular+Calcium Sensing+Proteins … Wikipedia
Collocation (remote sensing) — Collocation is a procedure used in remote sensing to match measurements from two or more different instruments. This is done for two main reasons: for validation purposes when comparing measurements of the same variable, and to relate… … Wikipedia
On the Other Hand, Death — Written by Gillian Horvath Ron McGee Richard Stevenson Directed by Ron Oliver Starring Chad Allen Sebastian Spence Margot Kidder Daryl Shuttleworth … Wikipedia
List of Claymore characters — The Claymore anime and manga series features a diverse cast of characters created by Norihiro Yagi. The series is set in a medieval world where humans coexist with creatures called yoma, sentient monsters that feed on human innards. A highly… … Wikipedia
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator — Carl Jung in 1910. Myers and Briggs extrapolated their MBTI theory from Jung s writings in his book Psychological Types. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological… … Wikipedia
Wii Remote — with original strap Manufacturer Nintendo Generation Seventh generation era Retail availability Nove … Wikipedia
Kinect — for Xbox 360 … Wikipedia
sensory reception, human — Introduction means by which humans react to changes in external and internal environments. Ancient philosophers called the human senses “the windows of the soul,” and Aristotle described at least five senses sight, hearing, smell, taste, and… … Universalium
Game controller — A North American Super Nintendo game controller A game controller is a device used with games or entertainment systems used to control a playable character or object, or otherwise provide input in a computer game. A controller is typically… … Wikipedia
Theremin — Modernes Theremin Theremin Klangbeispiel in mittlerer Tonhöhe Das Theremin (auch: Thereminvox, Thereminovox, Termenvox, ursprünglich Aetherophone) ist ein 1919 erfundenes … Deutsch Wikipedia