
ˌsi:nɪˈɔrɪtɪ сущ.
1) старшинство according to, by seniority ≈ по старшинству
2) превосходство в ранге
3) трудовой стаж старшинство - in order of * в порядке старшинства - * system система старшинства (в конгрессе США) - he is chairman by * он председательствует по старшинству /в порядке старшинства/ превосходство в положении, ранге и т. п. трудовой стаж;
выслуга лет - service * стаж службы в армии - * rights продвижение по службе в зависимости от стажа работы - * pay надбавка к зарплате за выслугу лет (физическое) синьоритет, старшинство company ~ трудовой стаж в данной компании election ~ большинство голосов на выборах seniority выслуга лет ~ право старшинства ~ старшинство ~ трудовой стаж

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "seniority" в других словарях:

  • Seniority — is the concept of a person or group of people being in charge or in command of another person or group. This control is often granted to the senior person(s) due to experience or length of service in a given position, but it is not uncommon for a …   Wikipedia

  • seniority — se·nior·i·ty /sēn yȯr ə tē/ n 1: the quality or state of being senior 2: the senior status attained by length of continuous service (as in a company); also: the length of such continuous service Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam… …   Law dictionary

  • Seniority — Sen*ior i*ty, n. The quality or state of being senior. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • seniority — priority on office or service, mid 15c.; see SENIOR (Cf. senior) + ITY (Cf. ity) …   Etymology dictionary

  • seniority — [n] rank in organization due to length of service advantage, antiquity, eldership, precedence, preference, priority, rank, ranking, standing, station, superiority; concepts 671,727 …   New thesaurus

  • seniority — [sēn yôr′ə tē, sēnyär′ə tē] n. pl. seniorities [ML senioritas] 1. the state or quality of being senior; precedence in birth, rank, etc. 2. status, priority, or precedence achieved by length of service, as in a given job …   English World dictionary

  • seniority — noun VERB + SENIORITY ▪ have ▪ lose SENIORITY + NOUN ▪ system ▪ It is believed that the seniority system reduces competition between co workers. PREPOSITI …   Collocations dictionary

  • Seniority — The order of repayment. In the event of bankruptcy, senior debt must be repaid before subordinated debt is repaid. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * seniority se‧ni‧or‧i‧ty [ˌsiːniˈɒrti ǁ ˈɔː , ˈɑː ] noun [uncountable] 1. the fact of… …   Financial and business terms

  • seniority — The order of repayment. In the event of bankruptcy, senior debt must be repaid before subordinated debt is repaid. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * seniority se‧ni‧or‧i‧ty [ˌsiːniˈɒrti ǁ ˈɔː , ˈɑː ] noun [uncountable] 1. the fact of being… …   Financial and business terms

  • seniority — n. according to, by seniority (to promote according to seniority) * * * [ˌsiːnɪ ɒrɪtɪ] by seniority (to promote according to seniority) according to …   Combinatory dictionary

  • seniority — se|ni|or|i|ty [ˌsi:niˈɔrıti US ˈo: , ˈa: ] n [U] 1.) if you have seniority in a company or organization, you have worked there a long time and have some official advantages ▪ I had fifteen years seniority , and they couldn t fire me. 2.) when you …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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