- senhorita
- (португальское) сеньорита (обращение к незамужней)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
senhorita — s. f. 1. Forma diminutiva de senhora. 2. Mulher de pequena estatura; pequena senhora. 3. [Brasil] Menina solteira … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
senhorita — [si΄nyō̂ rē′tə] n. pl. senhoritas [si΄nyū̂o rē′təsh, si΄nyū̂o rē′təs] or Senhoritas [Port, dim. of SENHORA] 1. [S ] Miss: Portuguese or Brazilian title of respect: abbrev. Srta 2. an unmarried woman or a girl … English World dictionary
Senhorita — Se|nho|ri|ta auch: Sen|ho|ri|ta 〈[sɛnjɔ ] f. 10〉 Fräulein (portugies. Anrede) [port., Verkleinerungsform zu Senhora] * * * Se|n|ho|ri|ta, die; , s [port. senhorita]: (in Portugal) Bezeichnung u. Anrede eines Mädchens, einer unverheirateten… … Universal-Lexikon
Senhorita — Sen|ho|ri|ta [sɛnjo...] die; , s <aus port. senhorita, Verkleinerungsform zu ↑Senhora> port. Bez. für Mädchen, unverheiratete [junge] Frau … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
senhorita — noun Etymology: Portuguese, from diminutive of senhora Date: 1874 an unmarried Portuguese or Brazilian girl or woman used as a title equivalent to Miss … New Collegiate Dictionary
senhorita — /seen yeuh ree teuh, sayn /; Port. /se nyaw rddee teuh/, n., pl. senhoritas / teuhz/; Port. / teuhsh/. a Portuguese term of address equivalent to miss, used alone or capitalized and prefixed to the name of a girl or unmarried woman. Abbr.: Srta.… … Universalium
senhorita — noun A young woman in or from a Lusophone community … Wiktionary
Senhorita — Se|nho|ri|ta auch: Sen|ho|ri|ta 〈 [sɛnjɔ ] f.; Gen.: , Pl.: s〉 Fräulein (portugies. Anrede) [Etym.: portug., Verkleinerungsform zu Senhora] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
senhorita — [ˌsɛnjə ri:tə] noun (in Portuguese speaking countries) a form of address for a young woman, corresponding to Miss … English new terms dictionary
senhorita — se·nho·ri·ta … English syllables
senhorita — se•nho•ri•ta [[t]ˌsin yəˈri tə, ˌseɪn [/t]] n. pl. tas fot a Portuguese or Brazilian term of address for an unmarried girl or woman, equivalent to miss Abbr.: Srta. • Etymology: 1870–75; < Pg, dim. of senhora … From formal English to slang