send up

send up

1) направлять вверх When the doctor arrives, send him up, will you? ≈ Когда придет доктор, пригласите его наверх, хорошо? Two men were sent up to the top of the mountain. ≈ Двух человек отправили на вершину горы.
2) повышать The increase in oil prices is sending up the cost of all other goods. ≈ Повышение цен на нефть приводит к повышению стоимости всех остальных товаров.
3) отправлять (обыкн. в высшую инстанцию) We have sent your name up to Head Office. ≈ Мы отправили Ваше имя в главное управление.
4) взорвать, уничтожить (с помощью огня, взрыва и т. п.) The whole building was sent up in flames when the petrol exploded. ≈ Все здание было уничтожено огнем после взрыва бензина. Syn : blow up
5) амер.;
разг. приговорить к тюремному заключению The judge sent the man up. ≈ Суд приговорил человека к тюремному заключению.
6) высмеивать, разыгрывать (кого-л.) ;
пародировать The students used to enjoy themselves by sending up the teacher's manner of speaking. ≈ Студентам очень нравилось изображать манеру говорить разных преподавателей. повышать - to * prices повышать цены отправлять (обыкн. в высшую инстанцию) - to * a report направить доклад /сообщение/ (начальству) (школьное) вызывать (к директору и т. п. для наказания или поощрения) - the boy was sent up to the head-master мальчика вызвал директор взорвать - a convoy of petrol lorries was sent up in flames колонна бензовозов взлетела на воздух запускать - to * a rocket запускать ракету высмеивать, разыгрывать (кого-л.) пародировать, изображать сатирически - in their sketch they * fashionable women who work for charitable causes их скетч представляет собой сатиру на светских дам, занимающихся благотворительностью (американизм) (сленг) посадить в тюрьму - he was sent up for twenty years его посадили на двадцать лет

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "send up" в других словарях:

  • send — W1S1 [send] v past tense and past participle sent [sent] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(by post etc)¦ 2¦(radio/computer etc)¦ 3¦(person to place)¦ 4 send (somebody) a message/signal 5 send your love/regards/best wishes etc 6¦(cause to move)¦ 7 send… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • send — /send/ verb past tense and past participle sent /sent/ 1 BY POST/RADIO ETC (T) to arrange for something to go or be taken to another place, especially by post: send sb a letter/message/card: Honestly, I get tired of sending Christmas cards. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • send — [ send ] (past tense and past participle sent [ sent ] ) verb transitive *** 1. ) to mail a letter or package to someone: I sent the letters yesterday, so they should arrive today. send someone something: I ll send you a copy of the report. send… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • send — [send] verb sent PTandPP [sent] [transitive] 1. to arrange for something to go to another place: • The computer network can send data at very high speeds. send something to somebody • He sent a memo to board members …   Financial and business terms

  • send — send1 [send] vt. sent, sending [ME senden < OE sendan, akin to Ger senden, Goth sandjan, caus. formation, “to cause to go” < IE base * sent , to go, find out, discover > L sentire, to feel, sense, OIr sēt, way] 1. a) to cause to go or be …   English World dictionary

  • send*/*/*/ — [send] (past tense and past participle sent [sent] ) verb [T] 1) to arrange for something such as a letter or email to be delivered to someone in another place I sent the letters yesterday, so they should arrive today.[/ex] Send me an email when… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • send — ► VERB (past and past part. sent) 1) cause to go or be taken to a destination. 2) cause to move sharply or quickly; propel. 3) cause to be in a specified state: it nearly sent me crazy. ● send down Cf. ↑send down ● …   English terms dictionary

  • Send — Send, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sent}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sending}.] [AS. sendan; akin to OS. sendian, D. zenden, G. senden, OHG. senten, Icel. senda, Sw. s[ a]nda, Dan. sende, Goth. sandjan, and to Goth. sinp a time (properly, a going), gasinpa… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Send — may be: *Send, Surrey, England *HMP Send, the women s prison at Send *SEND protocol *Send (album), a 2003 album by the rock band Wire *Send (audio), an output from an audio mixer which is usually designed to carry a given channel to an effects or …   Wikipedia

  • send — send, dispatch, forward, transmit, remit, route, ship are comparable when they mean to cause to go or to be taken from one place or person or condition to another. Send, the most general term, carries a wide range of implications and connotations …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • send-up — UK / US or sendup UK [ˈsendˌʌp] / US noun [countable] Word forms send up : singular send up plural send ups informal a way of talking or behaving in which you copy the way that someone else talks or behaves in a humorous way He does a brilliant… …   English dictionary

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