send over

send over

1) пересылать, посылать (кого-л., что-л. в другое место) When the visitors arrive at your office, would you send them over (to mine) ? ≈ Когда к вам в офис придут посетители, не могли бы Вы отправить их ко мне в кабинет? I would have gone, but they sent a message over to say that there was a delay. ≈ Я бы уехал, но пришло сообщение о том, что произошла задержка.
2) передавать to send smb. over to the policeпередать кого-л. в руки полиции передавать - to send smb. over to the police передать кого-л. в руки полиции посылать - send him over to England пошлите его в Англию передавать по радио

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "send over" в других словарях:

  • send over — transitive verb Etymology: Middle English senden over, from senden to send + over : to dispatch across the sea, through the air, or from one place to another …   Useful english dictionary

  • send — W1S1 [send] v past tense and past participle sent [sent] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(by post etc)¦ 2¦(radio/computer etc)¦ 3¦(person to place)¦ 4 send (somebody) a message/signal 5 send your love/regards/best wishes etc 6¦(cause to move)¦ 7 send… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • send — /send/ verb past tense and past participle sent /sent/ 1 BY POST/RADIO ETC (T) to arrange for something to go or be taken to another place, especially by post: send sb a letter/message/card: Honestly, I get tired of sending Christmas cards. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Send in the Clowns — is a song by Stephen Sondheim, from the 1973 musical A Little Night Music . It is a ballad from Act II in which the character Desirée reflects on the ironies and disappointments of her life. Among other things, she regrets having turned down a… …   Wikipedia

  • Send Money Home — is a free information service sponsored by the UK Government’s Department for International Development. The aim of Send Money Home is to provide free, impartial, transparent information anyone looking to send money overseas but was originally… …   Wikipedia

  • send — send, dispatch, forward, transmit, remit, route, ship are comparable when they mean to cause to go or to be taken from one place or person or condition to another. Send, the most general term, carries a wide range of implications and connotations …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • send — send1 [send] vt. sent, sending [ME senden < OE sendan, akin to Ger senden, Goth sandjan, caus. formation, “to cause to go” < IE base * sent , to go, find out, discover > L sentire, to feel, sense, OIr sēt, way] 1. a) to cause to go or be …   English World dictionary

  • Over-the-air programming — (OTA) may refer to either free to air, digital television, or in the mobile content world, over the air service provisioning (OTASP), over the air provisioning (OTAP) or over the air parameter administration (OTAPA), methods of distributing new… …   Wikipedia

  • Send 'er down, Hughie! — sometimes Send her down, Hughie! or Send it down, Hughie! , is an idiomatic Australian phrase uttered in response to the onset of rain. It was in very common usage in the early 20th century, but is less common now. Interpreted literally, the phr …   Wikipedia

  • Send the Light — (STL) is a British Christian book distributor which had absorbed other Christian publishers and bookshops, and eventually merged with the International Bible Society to become one of the largest non profit book distributors in the world under the …   Wikipedia

  • Over the Edge (radio) — Over the Edge (or, OTE) is a sound collage radio program hosted and produced in the United States by Don Joyce. Joyce is also a member of the pioneering sound collage band Negativland, members of which frequently make guest appearances on Over… …   Wikipedia

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