Смотреть что такое "semiworks" в других словарях:
semiworks — noun plural Usage: often attributive Date: 1926 a manufacturing plant operating on a limited commercial scale to provide final tests of a new product or process … New Collegiate Dictionary
semiworks — semi·works … English syllables
semiworks — ˈ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷+ˌ noun plural Usage: often attributive Etymology: semi + works : a manufacturing plant operating on a limited commercial scale to provide final tests of a new product or process and to supply market samples … Useful english dictionary
Clinton Engineer Works — Workers leaving the Manhattan Project s Y 12 plant at shift changing time, 1945 (US government photo by Ed Westcott) The Clinton Engineer Works (CEW) was the Army name for the Manhattan Project production facility in World War II for enriched… … Wikipedia
semiplant — I. “+ noun Etymology: semi + plant : semiworks II. adjective : larger than that of a laboratory or pilot plant but smaller than that of a plant in commercial production preparation of the new product on a semiplant scale … Useful english dictionary