semisolid agar
Смотреть что такое "semisolid agar" в других словарях:
semisolid culture medium — 1. a culture medium containing 0.3 to 0.5 per cent agar to give it a semisolid consistency; see motility test medium. 2. a culture medium containing agar or gelatin that is liquid in the warm state and solid when cooled … Medical dictionary
Mycobacterium malmoense — Scientific classification Kingdom: Bacteria Phylum: Actinobacteria Order … Wikipedia
Chemotaxis assay — Chemotaxis assays are experimental tools for evaluation of chemotactic ability of prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells. A wide variety of techniques are known and applied for such reason. Some of them qualitative and investigator can determine whether … Wikipedia
Phenotypic testing of Mycobacteria — A variety of phenotypic tests can be used to identify and distinguish Mycobacteria strains and species from each other.The most commonly used tests are described below:Acetamide, utilization as solce C and N sourceMedia: KH2PO4 (0.5g), MgSO4*7H20 … Wikipedia
Human feces — (also faeces mdash; see spelling differences), also known as stools, is the waste product of the human digestive system and varies significantly in appearance, depending on the state of the whole digestive system, influenced by diet and health.… … Wikipedia
pharmaceutical industry — Producers of pharmaceuticals, substances used in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease and the modification of organic functions. The earliest records of medicinal plants and minerals are those of the ancient Chinese, Hindu, and… … Universalium
method — The mode or manner or orderly sequence of events of a process or procedure. SEE ALSO: fixative, operation, procedure, stain, technique. [G. methodos; fr. meta, after, + hodos, way] Abell Kendall m. a … Medical dictionary
Honey — For other uses, see Honey (disambiguation). Jars of honey and honeycomb … Wikipedia
hydrocolloid — A gelatinous colloid in unstable equilibrium with its contained water, useful in dentistry for impressions because of its dimensional stability under controlled conditions. irreversible h. a h. whose physical state is changed by an irreversible … Medical dictionary
immunodiffusion — A technique to study antigen antibody reactions by observing precipitates formed by antigen antibody complexes, which are formed by combination of specific antigen and antibodies which have diffused in a gel in which they have been separately… … Medical dictionary
precipitin — An antibody that under suitable conditions combines with and causes its specific and soluble antigen to precipitate from solution. SYN: precipitating antibody. * * * pre·cip·i·tin pri sip ət ən n any of various antibodies which form insoluble… … Medical dictionary