Semimonthly — Sem i*month lya. Coming or made twice in a month; as, semimonthly magazine; a semimonthly payment. n. Something done or made every half month; esp., a semimonthly periodical. adv. In a semimonthly manner; at intervals of half a month. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
semimonthly — (adj.) also semi monthly, 1851, from SEMI (Cf. semi ) + monthly (see MONTH (Cf. month)) … Etymology dictionary
semimonthly — ☆ semimonthly [sem΄imunth′lē ] adj. done, happening, published, etc. every half month or twice a month n. pl. semimonthlies something coming, appearing, etc. twice a month, esp. a magazine issued twice a month adv. twice monthly; every half month … English World dictionary
semimonthly — /sem ee munth lee, sem uy /, adj., n., pl. semimonthlies, adv. adj. 1. made, occurring, done, or published twice a month. n. 2. something occurring every half month or twice a month. 3. a semimonthly publication. adv. 4. twice a month: We went… … Universalium
semimonthly — 1. adjective Occurring twice a month or at half month intervals. The semimonthly meeting was scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesdays. 2. adverb In a manner occurring twice a month or at half month intervals. They met s … Wiktionary
semimonthly — I noun a periodical that is published twice each month (or 24 issues per year) • Hypernyms: ↑series, ↑serial, ↑serial publication II adjective occurring twice a month a semimonthly publication … Useful english dictionary
semimonthly — I. adverb Date: 1829 twice a month II. adjective Date: 1829 occurring twice a month III. noun Date: 1843 a semimonthly publication … New Collegiate Dictionary
semimonthly — sem•i•month•ly [[t]ˌsɛm iˈmʌnθ li, ˌsɛm aɪ [/t]] adj. n. pl. lies, adv. 1) made, occurring, or published twice a month 2) a semimonthly publication 3) twice a month • Etymology: 1855–60 usage: See bi … From formal English to slang
semimonthly — /sɛmiˈmʌnθli/ (say semee munthlee) adjective 1. occurring every half month. –noun (plural semimonthlies) 2. a thing occurring every half month. 3. a semimonthly publication. –adverb 4. every half month …
Semimonthly — Двухнедельное периодическое издание, двухнедельник || двухнедельный … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
semimonthly — Synonyms and related words: annual, biannual, biennial, bimonthly, biweekly, catamenial, centenary, centennial, daily, decennial, diurnal, fortnightly, hebdomadal, hourly, menstrual, momentary, momently, monthly, quarterly, quotidian, secular,… … Moby Thesaurus