semilinear homomorphism

semilinear homomorphism
мат. полулинейный гомоморфизм

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "semilinear homomorphism" в других словарях:

  • General linear group — Group theory Group theory …   Wikipedia

  • Linear map — In mathematics, a linear map, linear mapping, linear transformation, or linear operator (in some contexts also called linear function) is a function between two vector spaces that preserves the operations of vector addition and scalar… …   Wikipedia

  • Mathieu group — Group theory Group theory …   Wikipedia

  • Automorphisms of the symmetric and alternating groups — In group theory, a branch of mathematics, the automorphisms and outer automorphisms of the symmetric groups and alternating groups are both standard examples of these automorphisms, and objects of study in their own right, particularly the… …   Wikipedia

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