semihereditary ring

semihereditary ring
мат. полунаследственное кольцо

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "semihereditary ring" в других словарях:

  • Hereditary ring — In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory, a ring R is called hereditary if all submodules of projective modules over R are again projective. If this is required only for finitely generated submodules, it… …   Wikipedia

  • Singular submodule — In the branches of abstract algebra known as ring theory and module theory, each right (resp. left) R module M has a singular submodule consisting of elements whose annihilators are essential right (resp. left) ideals in R. In set notation it is… …   Wikipedia

  • Prüfer domain — In mathematics, a Prüfer domain is a type of commutative ring that generalizes Dedekind domains in a non Noetherian context. These rings possess the nice ideal and module theoretic properties of Dedekind domains, but usually only for finitely… …   Wikipedia

  • Von Neumann algebra — In mathematics, a von Neumann algebra or W* algebra is a * algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space that is closed in the weak operator topology and contains the identity operator. They were originally introduced by John von Neumann,… …   Wikipedia

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