Смотреть что такое "semifinals" в других словарях:
semifinals — pusfinalis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Priešpaskutinė varžybų dalis, kurios nugalėtojai arba nuostatų nurodytas komandų ar sportininkų skaičius patenka į baigiamąją varžybų dalį – finalą. atitikmenys: angl. semifinals vok … Sporto terminų žodynas
semifinals — pusfinalis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Varžybų dalis, kurioje dalyvauja 4 sportininkai arba 4 komandos (pvz., sportinių žaidimų, dvikovos sporto šakų). atitikmenys: angl. semifinals vok. Halbfinale, n rus. полуфинал … Sporto terminų žodynas
semifinals — n. next to last games in a competition, games immediately preceding the final gamen. next to last round in a competition, stage before the final adj. pertaining to the next to last round in a competition, pertaining to the stage before the final … English contemporary dictionary
Melodifestivalen 2006 semifinals — This article is about the semifinals of Melodifestivalen 2006. For the final, see the main article, Melodifestivalen 2006. The semifinals for Melodifestivalen 2006 began on the 18th February 2006. Ten songs from these semifinals qualified for the … Wikipedia
Melodifestivalen 2005 semifinals — This article is about the semifinals of Melodifestivalen 2005. For the final, see the main article, Melodifestivalen 2005. The semifinals for Melodifestivalen 2005 began on 12 February 2005. Ten songs from these semifinals qualified for the final … Wikipedia
Melodifestivalen 2004 semifinals — This article is about the semifinals of Melodifestivalen 2004. For the final, see the main article, Melodifestivalen 2004. The semifinals for Melodifestivalen 2004 began on 21 February 2004. Ten songs from these semifinals qualified for the final … Wikipedia
Melodifestivalen 2003 semifinals — This article is about the semifinals of Melodifestivalen 2003. For the final, see the main article, Melodifestivalen 2003. The semifinals for Melodifestivalen 2003 began on 15 February 2003. Ten songs from these semifinals qualified for the final … Wikipedia
Melodifestivalen 2002 semifinals — This article is about the semifinals of Melodifestivalen 2002. For the final, see the main article, Melodifestivalen 2002. The semifinals for Melodifestivalen 2002 began on 19 January 2002. Ten songs from these semifinals qualified for the final… … Wikipedia
Melodifestivalen 2007 semifinals — The semifinals for Melodifestivalen 2007 began on 3 February 2007. There were five semifinals in Jönköping, Gothenburg, Örnsköldsvik, Gävle and Nyköping (second chance round) leading up to the final at the Globen on 10 March, 2007. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
NLL Team Capsules — The National Lacrosse League (NLL) is the professional league of men s indoor lacrosse in North America. It currently has 14 teams; 3 in Canada and 11 in the United States. Unlike other lacrosse leagues which play in the summer, the NLL plays its … Wikipedia
May 2009 in sports — Worldwide current events | Sports events … Wikipedia