Смотреть что такое "semidome" в других словарях:
Semidome — Sem i*dome , n. (Arch.) A roof or ceiling covering a semicircular room or recess, or one of nearly that shape, as the apse of a church, a niche, or the like. It is approximately the quarter of a hollow sphere. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
semidome — [sem′i dōm΄] n. a curved ceiling or roof covering a semicircular room, bay, etc.; half dome … English World dictionary
semidome — noun Date: 1788 a roof or ceiling covering a semicircular or nearly semicircular room or recess • semidomed adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
semidome — semidomed, adj. /sem ee dohm , sem uy /, n. half a dome, esp. as formed by a vertical section, as over a semicircular apse. [1780 90; SEMI + DOME] * * * … Universalium
semidome — n. half a dome, domed roof which covers a semicircular area … English contemporary dictionary
semidome — semi·dome … English syllables
semidome — /ˈsɛmidoʊm/ (say semeedohm) noun half a dome, especially as formed by a vertical section, as over a semicircular apse …
semidome — … Useful english dictionary
concha — I. noun (plural conchae) Etymology: Italian & Latin; Italian conca semidome, apse, from Late Latin concha, from Latin, shell Date: circa 1639 1. a. the plain semidome of an apse b. apse 2. something shaped like a shell; especially the largest and … New Collegiate Dictionary
White Monastery — The White Monastery is a Coptic Orthodox monastery named after Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite. It is located near the Upper Egyptian city of Sohag, and about four kilometers south east of the Red Monastery. The name of the monastery is derived… … Wikipedia
Concha — Con cha (k[o^][ng] k[.a]), n. [LL. (in sense 1), fr. L. concha. See {Conch}.] 1. (Arch.) The plain semidome of an apse; sometimes used for the entire apse. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) The external ear; esp. the largest and deepest concavity of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English