Смотреть что такое "semidiameter" в других словарях:
Semidiameter — Sem i*di*am e*ter, n. (Math.) Half of a diameter; a right line, or the length of a right line, drawn from the center of a circle, a sphere, or other curved figure, to its circumference or periphery; a radius. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
semidiameter — [sem΄idī am′ət ər] n. 1. half a diameter; radius 2. Astron. half the angular diameter of a celestial body with a visible disk, as the moon … English World dictionary
Semidiameter — In geometry, the semidiameter or semi diameter of a set of points may be one half of its diameter; or, sometimes, one half of its extent along a particular direction.pecial casesThe semi diameter of a sphere, circle, or interval is the same thing … Wikipedia
semidiameter — noun Date: 14th century radius; specifically the apparent radius of a generally spherical celestial body … New Collegiate Dictionary
semidiameter — /sem ee duy am i teuhr, sem uy /, n. half of a diameter; radius. [1545 55; SEMI + DIAMETER] * * * … Universalium
semidiameter — noun The apparent radius of a star etc, when viewed from Earth … Wiktionary
semidiameter — [ˌsɛmɪdʌɪ amɪtə] noun Geometry half of a diameter … English new terms dictionary
semidiameter — semi·diameter … English syllables
semidiameter — sem•i•di•am•e•ter [[t]ˌsɛm i daɪˈæm ɪ tər, ˌsɛm aɪ [/t]] n. math. half of a diameter … From formal English to slang
semidiameter — /ˌsɛmidaɪˈæmətə/ (say .semeeduy amuhtuh) noun 1. the half of a diameter; a radius. 2. half the angular diameter of a celestial body …
semidiameter — n. half of a diameter. Etymology: LL (as SEMI , DIAMETER) … Useful english dictionary