- semicontinuous functional
- мат. полунепрерывный функционал
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Tonelli's theorem (functional analysis) — In mathematics, Tonelli s theorem in functional analysis is a fundamental result on the weak lower semicontinuity of nonlinear functionals on L p spaces. As such, it has major implications for functional analysis and the calculus of variations.… … Wikipedia
Γ-convergence — In the calculus of variations, Γ convergence (Gamma convergence) is a notion of convergence for functionals. It was introduced by Ennio de Giorgi. Definition Let X be a topological space and F n : X rarr; [0, infin;] a sequence of functionals on… … Wikipedia
Large deviations theory — In Probability Theory, the Large Deviations Theory concerns the asymptotic behaviour of remote tails of sequences of probability distributions. Some basic ideas of the theory can be tracked back to Laplace and Cramér, although a clear unified… … Wikipedia
Direct method in the calculus of variations — In the calculus of variations, a topic in mathematics, the direct method is a general method for constructing a proof of the existence of a minimizer for a given functional,[1] introduced by Zaremba and David Hilbert around 1900. The method… … Wikipedia
Bounded variation — In mathematical analysis, a function of bounded variation refers to a real valued function whose total variation is bounded (finite): the graph of a function having this property is well behaved in a precise sense. For a continuous function of a… … Wikipedia
Michael selection theorem — In functional analysis, a branch of mathematics, the most popular version of the Michael selection theorem, named after Ernest Michael, states the following: Let E be a Banach space, X a paracompact space and φ : X → E a lower semicontinuous … Wikipedia
Radon measure — In mathematics (specifically, measure theory), a Radon measure, named after Johann Radon, is a measure on the σ algebra of Borel sets of a Hausdorff topological space X that is locally finite and inner regular. Contents 1 Motivation 2 Definitions … Wikipedia
Chip formation — The basic chip formation process. Chip formation is part of the process of cutting materials by mechanical means, using tools such as saws, lathes and milling cutters. An understanding of the theory and engineering of this formation is an… … Wikipedia