Смотреть что такое "semi-hereditary" в других словарях:
Hereditary ring — In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory, a ring R is called hereditary if all submodules of projective modules over R are again projective. If this is required only for finitely generated submodules, it… … Wikipedia
Hereditary Kingdom of Norway — History of Monarchy of Norway redirects here The Kingdom of Norway as a unified realm was initiated by King Harald Fairhair in 9th century. His efforts in unifying the petty kingdoms of Norway, resulted in the first known Norwegian central… … Wikipedia
Nobility — Nobles redirects here. For other uses, see Nobles (disambiguation). For other uses, see Noble (disambiguation). Nobility is a social class which possesses more acknowledged privileges or eminence than members of most other classes in a society,… … Wikipedia
Count palatine — This article is about Count Palatine in Medieval European palatinate regions and social structure. For other uses, see palatine. Count palatine is a high noble title,[1] used to render several comital styles, in some cases also shortened to… … Wikipedia
Society of the Song Dynasty — … Wikipedia
Joseon Dynasty — Joseon redirects here. For other uses, see Joseon (disambiguation). Kingdom of Joseon 조선국 (朝鮮國)[1] 조선왕조 (朝鮮王朝) … Wikipedia
Saini — Infobox caste caste name= Saini or Shaursaini/Shoorseni classification= Yaduvanshi (Shoorseni) Kshatriya subdivisions= (none) populated states=Punjab (India), Haryana, Himachal Pradesh Jammu Kashmirlanguages= Mainly Punjabi and its dialects like… … Wikipedia
Palatinate — A palatinate is a territory administered by a count palatine, originally the direct representative of a sovereign, but later the hereditary ruler of the territory subject to the crown s overlordship. In Poland the Palatines remained non… … Wikipedia
Imperator — The Latin word Imperator was a title originally roughly equivalent to commander during the period of the Roman Republic. It later went on to become a part of the titulature of the Roman Emperors as part of their cognomen. The English word emperor … Wikipedia
Sociedad de la Dinastía Song — Una fiesta elegante, pintura que retrata un pequeño banquete en la Dinastía Song (960 1279). Aunque se pintó en el período Song, se cree que es una reproducción del original y que data de la Dinastía Tang (618 907). La pintura se ha atribuido al… … Wikipedia Español
Economy of North Korea — Economic centre of North Korea Currency North Korean won Fiscal year … Wikipedia