- semi-group
1) квазигруппа
2) полугруппа
3) полугрупповой
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
semi-group — … Useful english dictionary
semi — semi·abstract; semi·abstraction; semi·aerial; semi·amphibious; semi·annual; semi·annually; semi·anthracite; semi·ape; semi·aquatic; semi·arboreal; semi·arch; semi·arid; semi·auto; semi·autonomous; semi·basement; semi·beam; semi·bejan;… … English syllables
group — ag·group; group; group·ism; group·let; group·ment; group·wise; in·ter·group; in·tra·group; re·group; group·ie; semi·group; se·ro·group; su·per·group; sub·group; ag·group·ment; in·tra·group·al; … English syllables
Semi-empirical quantum chemistry method — Semi empirical quantum chemistry methods are based on the Hartree Fock formalism, but make many approximations and obtain some parameters from empirical data. They are very important in computational chemistry for treating large molecules where… … Wikipedia
Semi Precious Weapons — rehearsing their Dirty Showbiz Tour and writing new music. Background information Origin New York City … Wikipedia
Group of death — is an informal sobriquet used in football and other team sports to describe a situation that often occurs during the group stage of a tournament (such as the first round of the World Cup), where:* all the teams present in one group are considered … Wikipedia
semi- — from L. semi half, from PIE *semi (Cf. Skt. sami half, Gk. hemi half, O.E. sam , Goth. sami half ). O.E. cognate sam was used in such compounds as samhal poor health, lit. half whole; samsoden … Etymology dictionary
Semi variable cost — is an expense which contains both a fixed cost component and a variable cost component. The fixed cost element shall be a part of the cost that needs to be paid irrespective of the level of activity achieved by the entity. On the other hand the… … Wikipedia
Semi-Bantu — or Grassfields Bantu refers to a group of related African languages spoken by the inhabitants of the Western grassfields of Cameroon (portions of the Adamawa, West, Northwest, and Southwest provinces). These languages have been influenced by the… … Wikipedia
Semi-locally simply connected — In mathematics, in particular topology, a topological space X is called semi locally simply connected if every point x in X has a neighborhood U such that the homomorphism from the fundamental group of U to the fundamental group of X , induced by … Wikipedia
Semi-s-cobordism — In mathematics, a cobordism ( W , M , M −) of an ( n + 1) dimensionsal manifold (with boundary) W between its boundary components, two n manifolds M and M − (n.b.: the original creator of this topic, Jean Claude Hausmann, used the notation M −… … Wikipedia