Смотреть что такое "semi-cyclic" в других словарях:
semi — semi·abstract; semi·abstraction; semi·aerial; semi·amphibious; semi·annual; semi·annually; semi·anthracite; semi·ape; semi·aquatic; semi·arboreal; semi·arch; semi·arid; semi·auto; semi·autonomous; semi·basement; semi·beam; semi·bejan;… … English syllables
Semi-empirical quantum chemistry method — Semi empirical quantum chemistry methods are based on the Hartree Fock formalism, but make many approximations and obtain some parameters from empirical data. They are very important in computational chemistry for treating large molecules where… … Wikipedia
Cyclic group — Group theory Group theory … Wikipedia
Cyclic voltammetry — Typical cyclic voltammogram where ipc and ipa show the peak cathodic and anodic current respectively for a reversible reaction. Cyclic voltammetry or CV is a type of potentiodynamic electrochemical measurement. In a cyclic voltammetry experiment… … Wikipedia
semicyclic — semi·cyclic … English syllables
Rate of fire — is the frequency at which a specific weapon can fire or launch its projectiles. It is usually measured in rounds per minute (RPM or round/min), or per second (RPS or round/s). Contents 1 Overview 2 Measurement 2.1 Cyclic rate … Wikipedia
Boundedly generated group — In mathematics, a group is called boundedly generated if it can be expressed as a finite product of cyclic subgroups. The property of bounded generation is also closely related with the congruence subgroup problem (see harvnb|Lubotzky|Segal|2003) … Wikipedia
Thompson submachine gun — Tommy gun redirects here. For other uses, see Tommy gun (disambiguation). For the Anti Aircraft gun nicknamed Chicago Piano, see 1.1 /75 caliber gun. Thompson Submachine Gun, Caliber .45 Wartime production variant … Wikipedia
Stallings theorem about ends of groups — In the mathematical subject of group theory, the Stallings theorem about ends of groups states that a finitely generated group G has more than one end if and only if the group G admits a nontrivial decomposition as an amalgamated free product or… … Wikipedia
Quasidihedral group — In mathematics, the quasi dihedral groups and semi dihedral groups are non abelian groups of order a power of 2. For every positive integer n greater than or equal to 4, there are exactly four isomorphism classes of nonabelian groups of order 2n… … Wikipedia
M2 Browning — This article is about the .50 caliber M2 machine gun. For the Browning .30 06 machine gun, see M1919 Browning machine gun. Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2, HB M2HB heavy machine gun … Wikipedia