- semi-closed
- квазизамкнутый, полуограниченный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Semi-Closed Game — Chess diagram small|= tright| = rd|nd|bd|qd|kd|bd|nd|rd|= pd|pd|pd|pd|pd| |pd|pd|= | | | | | | | |= | | | | |pd| | |= | | |pl| | | | |= | | | | | | | |= pl|pl|pl| |pl|pl|pl|pl|= rl|nl|bl|ql|kl|bl|nl|rl|= Dutch DefenseChess diagram small|= tright| … Wikipedia
semi-closed game — noun A chess game in which the queens pawn advances two spaces in the first ply move, but not in the second ply move … Wiktionary
semi-closed petasma — The lateral lobes are rather flexable, markedly folded, supported by strong ribs, with the ventral costae approaching rather closely, delimiting moderately large space, narrowly open distally where usually overlapped by well developed distomedian … Crustacea glossary
semi-closed pass — Смотри полузакрытый калибр … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
semi-closed pass — Смотри полузакрытый калибр … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Closed Game — a b c d e f … Wikipedia
Closed primary — A closed primary is a type of direct primary limited to registered party members who have declared their party affiliation, in order to vote in the election. The closed primary serves to encourage party unity and prevent members of other parties… … Wikipedia
Semi-Open Game — A Semi Open Game is a chess opening in which White plays 1.e4 and Black breaks symmetry immediately by replying with a move other than 1...e5. The Semi Open Games are also called Single King Pawn Games, and are the complement of the Open Games or … Wikipedia
Semi-automatic firearm — A semi automatic, or self loading firearm is a gun that requires only a trigger pull for each round that is fired, unlike a single action revolver, a pump action firearm, a bolt action firearm, or a lever action firearm, which require the shooter … Wikipedia
Semi-continuity — For the notion of upper or lower semicontinuous multivalued function see: Hemicontinuity In mathematical analysis, semi continuity (or semicontinuity) is a property of extended real valued functions that is weaker than continuity. A extended real … Wikipedia
Closed captioning — Jack Foley created the CC in a TV symbol while senior graphic designer at WGBH. Closed captioning is the process of displaying text on a television, video screen or other visual display to provide additional or interpretive information to… … Wikipedia