Смотреть что такое "semi-circle" в других словарях:
semi-circle — semi circles also semicircle N COUNT A semi circle is one half of a circle, or something having the shape of half a circle. They stood in a semi circle round the teacher s chair and answered questions … English dictionary
semi-circle — pusskritulis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. half circle; semi circle vok. Halbkreis, m rus. полукруг, m pranc. demi cercle, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
semi — semi·abstract; semi·abstraction; semi·aerial; semi·amphibious; semi·annual; semi·annually; semi·anthracite; semi·ape; semi·aquatic; semi·arboreal; semi·arch; semi·arid; semi·auto; semi·autonomous; semi·basement; semi·beam; semi·bejan;… … English syllables
semi- — UK [semɪ] / US / US [semaɪ] prefix 1) exactly half: used with some nouns a semi circle 2) partly but not completely: used with some adjectives and nouns semi naked We sat talking in the semidarkness … English dictionary
Circle of Power — Executives embracing after participating in Executive Development Training Directed by Bobby Roth … Wikipedia
Semi-Reflecting-Circle — Semi Reflecting Circle, ein sogenannter[827] halber Spiegelkreis, vorzüglich zum nautischen Gebrauche bes. von Pistor u. Martins in Berlin, nach der verbesserten Construction von Horner verfertigt … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Circle jerk — may refer to: Circle jerk, the male sexual practice of group masturbation. The Circle Jerks, an American punk band. This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
Golden Semi-Circle — Золотое полукольцо (автострада в предместьях Бостона). Известна также как Route 128 (маршрут 128), эта автострада полукольцом опоясывает Бостон. Вдоль нее расположены научно исследовательские лаборатории и предприятия электронной и ракетно… … Словарь топонимов США
Semi-locally simply connected — In mathematics, in particular topology, a topological space X is called semi locally simply connected if every point x in X has a neighborhood U such that the homomorphism from the fundamental group of U to the fundamental group of X , induced by … Wikipedia
Circle-ellipse problem — The circle ellipse problem in software development (sometimes known as the square rectangle problem) illustrates a number of pitfalls which can arise when using subtype polymorphism in object modelling. The issues are most commonly encountered… … Wikipedia
Circle group — For the jazz group, see Circle (jazz band). Lie groups … Wikipedia