selsyn control
Смотреть что такое "selsyn control" в других словарях:
selsyn différentiel — skirtuminis selsinas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. differential resolver; differential selsyn; synchro control differential transmitter vok. Differential Drehmelder, m; Differentialselsyn, n; Steuerdifferentialgeber, m rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Numerical control — CNC redirects here. For other uses, see CNC (disambiguation). A CNC Turning Center … Wikipedia
differential selsyn — skirtuminis selsinas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. differential resolver; differential selsyn; synchro control differential transmitter vok. Differential Drehmelder, m; Differentialselsyn, n; Steuerdifferentialgeber, m rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
synchro control differential transmitter — skirtuminis selsinas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. differential resolver; differential selsyn; synchro control differential transmitter vok. Differential Drehmelder, m; Differentialselsyn, n; Steuerdifferentialgeber, m rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Synchro — [ frame|Schematic of Synchro TransducerThe complete circle represents the rotor. The solid bars represent the cores of the windings next to them. Power to the rotor is connected by slip rings and brushes, represented by the circles at the ends of … Wikipedia
MOS (filmmaking) — MOS is a standard motion picture jargon abbreviation, used in production reports to indicate an associated film segment has no synchronous audio track. Omitting sound recording from a particular shot can save time and relieve the film crew of… … Wikipedia
parts — Synonyms and related words: AF amplifier, AFC, AFC mixer, CRT, CW oscillator, FM detector, PCV valve, RF amplifier, TR switch, TR unit, ability, accelerator, adder, adjustable propeller, afterburner, aileron, air controls, air scoop, airscrew,… … Moby Thesaurus
motion-picture technology — Introduction the means for the production and showing of motion pictures. It includes not only the motion picture camera and projector but also such technologies as those involved in recording sound, in editing both picture and sound, in… … Universalium
Differential-Drehmelder — skirtuminis selsinas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. differential resolver; differential selsyn; synchro control differential transmitter vok. Differential Drehmelder, m; Differentialselsyn, n; Steuerdifferentialgeber, m rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Differentialselsyn — skirtuminis selsinas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. differential resolver; differential selsyn; synchro control differential transmitter vok. Differential Drehmelder, m; Differentialselsyn, n; Steuerdifferentialgeber, m rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Steuerdifferentialgeber — skirtuminis selsinas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. differential resolver; differential selsyn; synchro control differential transmitter vok. Differential Drehmelder, m; Differentialselsyn, n; Steuerdifferentialgeber, m rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas