sell oneself

sell oneself

1) разг. заниматься саморекламой;
уметь подать себя;
завоевывать авторитет If you want to advance in the world of business, you have to know how to sell yourself. ≈ Если Вы хотите продвинуться в сфере бизнеса, Вы должны уметь прорекламировать себя.
2) продавать себя, продаваться (обыкн. о женщинах) She became so poor that she was forced to sell herself for a living. ≈ Она оказалась в такой бедности, что была вынуждена продавать себя, чтобы заработать на жизнь.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sell oneself" в других словарях:

  • sell oneself — gave oneself up for a sum of money, do something for money …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sell oneself — have sex in exchange for money. → sell …   English new terms dictionary

  • sell oneself short — underestimate oneself He is selling himself short when he thinks that he can t do any other job …   Idioms and examples

  • sell — [sel] vt. sold, selling [ME sellen < OE sellan, to give, offer, akin to Goth saljan, to offer (sacrifice): caus. formation in sense “to cause to take” < IE base * sel , to take, grasp > SALE, Gr helein, to take] 1. to give up, deliver,… …   English World dictionary

  • sell one's bacon — sell oneself, sell oneself into slavery …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sell — [[t]sɛl[/t]] v. sold, sell•ing, n. 1) cvb to transfer (goods or property) or render (services) in exchange for money 2) to deal in; keep or offer for sale: to sell insurance[/ex] 3) to make a sale or offer for sale to 4) to persuade or induce to… …   From formal English to slang

  • sell — v. & n. v. (past and past part. sold) 1 tr. make over or dispose of in exchange for money. 2 tr. keep a stock of for sale or be a dealer in (do you sell candles?). 3 intr. (of goods) be purchased (will never sell; these are selling well). 4 intr …   Useful english dictionary

  • sell — verb (past and past participle sold) 1》 hand over (something) in exchange for money.     ↘deal in.     ↘be subject to a specified demand on the market: the book didn t sell well.     ↘(sell out) sell all of one s stock of something.     ↘(sell… …   English new terms dictionary

  • sell cheap — sell at a low price; humiliate oneself …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sell out — 1) we have sold out of chocolate Syn: have none left, be out of stock, have run out; informal be fresh out, be cleaned out 2) the edition sold out quickly Syn: be bought up, be depleted, be exhausted 3) they say he has sold out as an artist …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • sell someone down the river — (informal).See double cross. → river   (informal).See double cross. → sell * * * sell someone down the river informal …   Useful english dictionary

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