sell dummy
Смотреть что такое "sell dummy" в других словарях:
dummy — ► NOUN (pl. dummies) 1) a model or replica of a human being. 2) an object designed to resemble and serve as a substitute for the real one. 3) Brit. a rubber or plastic teat for a baby to suck on. 4) (in sport) a feigned pass or kick. 5) informal … English terms dictionary
sell someone a dummy — ► sell someone a dummy deceive an opponent by feigning a pass or kick. Main Entry: ↑dummy … English terms dictionary
sell someone a dummy — sell someone a (or the) dummy see dummy … Useful english dictionary
sell a — ● dummy … Useful english dictionary
Dummy corporation — A dummy corporation or dummy company is an entity created to serve as a front or cover for one or more companies. It can have the appearance of being real (logo, website, and sometimes employing actual staff such as for public relations) but… … Wikipedia
sell — v. & n. v. (past and past part. sold) 1 tr. make over or dispose of in exchange for money. 2 tr. keep a stock of for sale or be a dealer in (do you sell candles?). 3 intr. (of goods) be purchased (will never sell; these are selling well). 4 intr … Useful english dictionary
dummy — ▪ I. dummy dum‧my 1 [ˈdʌmi] noun dummies PLURALFORM [countable] 1. MARKETING a product that is made to look like a real product and is used for testing, obtaining people s opinions etc 2 … Financial and business terms
dummy — /ˈdʌmi / (say dumee) noun (plural dummies) 1. an imitation or copy of something, as for display, to indicate appearance, exhibit clothing, etc. 2. Colloquial a stupid person; dolt. 3. someone who has nothing to say or who takes no active part in… …
dummy — I UK [ˈdʌmɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms dummy : singular dummy plural dummies 1) British a small plastic or rubber object that a baby sucks. The American word is pacifier. 2) a model of someone s body, used especially for measuring clothes… … English dictionary
Dummy CUSIP Number — A temporary identification number attached to a security by a company until the official CUSIP number is assigned. Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP) numbers identify securities when recording buy and sell orders. A … Investment dictionary
dummy — n., adj., & v. n. (pl. ies) 1 a model of a human being, esp.: a a ventriloquist s doll. b a figure used to model clothes in a shop window etc. c a target used for firearms practice. 2 (often attrib.) a a counterfeit object used to replace or… … Useful english dictionary