- sell by auction; sell at an auction
- продавать на аукционе
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
auction — [ôk′shən] n. [L auctio, an increasing, sale by increase of bids < auctus, pp. of augere, to increase: see WAX2] 1. a public sale at which items are sold one by one, each going to the last and highest of a series of competing bidders 2. AUCTION … English World dictionary
sell — [sel] vt. sold, selling [ME sellen < OE sellan, to give, offer, akin to Goth saljan, to offer (sacrifice): caus. formation in sense “to cause to take” < IE base * sel , to take, grasp > SALE, Gr helein, to take] 1. to give up, deliver,… … English World dictionary
auction — auc·tion n: a public sale of property to the highest bidder see also reserve Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. auction … Law dictionary
sell — vb sold, sell·ing vt 1: to transfer ownership of by sale compare barter, convey, give 2: to offer for sale … Law dictionary
auction off — sell at an auction, sell to the highest bidder … English contemporary dictionary
sell — [v1] exchange an object for money advertise, auction, bargain, barter, be in business*, boost, clinch the deal, close, close the deal, contract, deal in, dispose, drum, dump, exchange, handle, hawk, hustle, market, merchandise, move, peddle,… … New thesaurus
sell out — sell [v1] exchange an object for money advertise, auction, bargain, barter, be in business*, boost, clinch the deal, close, close the deal, contract, deal in, dispose, drum, dump, exchange, handle, hawk, hustle, market, merchandise, move, peddle … New thesaurus
auction — ► NOUN ▪ a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder. ► VERB ▪ sell at an auction. ORIGIN Latin, increase, auction , from augere to increase … English terms dictionary
Auction — Auc tion, v. t. To sell by auction. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
auction ring — UK US noun [C] (also bidders ring) COMMERCE ► a group of buyers at an auction (= public sale) who make an illegal agreement not to compete against one another to buy things, in order to keep the price low. They then sell what they have bought at… … Financial and business terms
auction something off — ˌauction sthˈoff derived to sell sth at an ↑auction, especially sth that is no longer needed or wanted • The Army is auctioning off a lot of surplus equipment. Main entry: ↑auctionderived … Useful english dictionary