sell a bull
Смотреть что такое "sell a bull" в других словарях:
bull — bull1 [bool] n. [ME bole < OE bula, a steer; akin to ON boli, Ger bulle < IE base * bhel : see BALL1] 1. the adult male of any bovine animal, as the ox, buffalo, etc. 2. the adult male of certain other large animals, as the elephant, elk,… … English World dictionary
bull — Ⅰ. bull [1] ► NOUN 1) an uncastrated male bovine animal. 2) a large male animal, e.g. a whale or elephant. 3) Brit. a bullseye. 4) Stock Exchange a person who buys shares hoping to sell them at a higher price later. Often contrasted with BEAR(Cf … English terms dictionary
bull position — ➔ position1 * * * bull position UK US noun [C] (also long position) FINANCE, STOCK MARKET ► a situation in which you buy and keep shares or other investments that you believe will increase in price so you can sell them later for a profit: »The… … Financial and business terms
bull — 1. n., adj., & v. n. 1 a an uncastrated male bovine animal. b a male of the whale, elephant, and other large animals. 2 (the Bull) the zodiacal sign or constellation Taurus. 3 Brit. the bull s eye of a target. 4 Stock Exch. a person who buys… … Useful english dictionary
Bull — 1. n., adj., & v. n. 1 a an uncastrated male bovine animal. b a male of the whale, elephant, and other large animals. 2 (the Bull) the zodiacal sign or constellation Taurus. 3 Brit. the bull s eye of a target. 4 Stock Exch. a person who buys… … Useful english dictionary
bull market — A period of rising market prices. Chicago Board of Trade glossary ( bull/ bullish) When prices are rising, the market is said to be a bull market ; individuals who anticipate higher prices are considered bulls. Situations arising which are… … Financial and business terms
Bull spread — In options trading, a bull spread is a bullish, vertical spread options strategy that is designed to profit from a moderate rise in the price of the underlying security.Because of put call parity, a bull spread can be constructed using either put … Wikipedia
bull — Someone who thinks market prices will rise. Chicago Board of Trade glossary An investor who thinks the market will rise. Related: bear. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary One who expects prices to rise. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary Person… … Financial and business terms
Bull — An investor who thinks the market will rise. Related: bear. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * bull bull [bʊl] noun [countable] FINANCE 1. someone who thinks that prices of shares, bonds, currencies, etc are going to rise, and who will… … Financial and business terms
bull — bull1 [ bul ] noun ** 1. ) count an adult male of the CATTLE family a ) an adult male cow 2. ) uncount INFORMAL something someone says that is stupid or not true: NONSENSE, BULLSHIT: You think you can win? That s bull. 3. ) count BUSINESS someone … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bull */*/ — UK [bʊl] / US noun Word forms bull : singular bull plural bulls 1) a) [countable] an adult male of the cattle family b) an adult male cow 2) [countable] business someone who expects the prices of shares to rise and may buy them so they can sell… … English dictionary