- selfindulgence
- ˈselfɪnˈdʌldʒəns n потакание своим слабостям, потворство своим желаниям selfindulgence потакание своим слабостям, потворство своим желаниям
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Socrates and the beginnings of moral philosophy — Hugh H.Benson INTRODUCTION Cicero in Tusculan Disputations famously tells us that Socrates first called philosophy down from the sky, set it in cities and even introduced it into homes, and compelled it to consider life and morals, good and evil … History of philosophy
Magee, Patrick — (1924–1982) Born in Northern Ireland, Patrick Magee became a successful character actor on the British and American stage and screen. The Irish playwright Samuel Beckett wrote Krapp’s Last Tape and some of his other plays with Magee in mind.… … The Encyclopedia of Stanley Kubrick
satanism — Devotion to SATAN, the DEVIL, or forces of darkness. Satanism is not structured as a single, unified organization or movement. Some forms of it are religious and involve worship of Satan, while other forms involve high magic or are… … Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology